Archive for the truth Tag

this picture is more likely a candidate for a tummy tuck ** always consult a board certified plastic surgeon and get more than one opinion**

How can I get rid of loose skin on my belly?

We get emails with training and diet questions all the time. We also get this question (or version of it a lot) <<<Q: I used to be a size 18 and now am a size 2. I eat clean, weight train and do cardio, but I still have this loose skin. How can I tighten  my belly?? (or I have
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The Sweaty Betties Cleanse Salad

The Sweaty Betties 5 Day Cleanse

Hey all you Sweaty Betties!! We are finished with our cleanse and it is published!! Yay!! We know that cleanses and detoxes might not be for everyone. We actually admit we even had a hard time with it! We’d love to have some of you try it out and give us your feedback. We worked very hard on putting it
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Sweaty Betties Q&A Numero Deux

  Here’s the Second round of questions we answered from FB Samantha Hasratian Olsen How do you plan your “cheats”? One dessert treat a week? One cheat meal? One cheat day? There are so many different philosophies it’s a tad overwhelming! Haley Dahle What’s your favorite cheat meal? Christina Mylott Is sprouted bread part of a clean eating diet?? It
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Sweaty Betties Q&A #1

Here are some questions posted on our FB Wall that we answered for all of you: Hannah Wraight How do you stay motivated? Kathren Rife What advice do u have for getting motivated without a workout partner? Meghan Donnelly What are some pool exercises you recommend? Stephanie Stafford Is there a good device for knowing how many calories you burn?
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