Archive for the Q&A Tag

this picture is more likely a candidate for a tummy tuck ** always consult a board certified plastic surgeon and get more than one opinion**

How can I get rid of loose skin on my belly?

We get emails with training and diet questions all the time. We also get this question (or version of it a lot) <<<Q: I used to be a size 18 and now am a size 2. I eat clean, weight train and do cardio, but I still have this loose skin. How can I tighten  my belly?? (or I have
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Sweaty Betties Q&A Numero Deux

  Here’s the Second round of questions we answered from FB Samantha Hasratian Olsen How do you plan your “cheats”? One dessert treat a week? One cheat meal? One cheat day? There are so many different philosophies it’s a tad overwhelming! Haley Dahle What’s your favorite cheat meal? Christina Mylott Is sprouted bread part of a clean eating diet?? It
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Sweaty Betties Q&A #1

Here are some questions posted on our FB Wall that we answered for all of you: Hannah Wraight How do you stay motivated? Kathren Rife What advice do u have for getting motivated without a workout partner? Meghan Donnelly What are some pool exercises you recommend? Stephanie Stafford Is there a good device for knowing how many calories you burn?
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