What is #InspireLV12 ? It’s our hashtag for the wonderful two-day workshop Inspiration & Perspiration in Las Vegas, Nevada this fall!
The venue was slightly bigger than we expected, so we thought we would add a few more spots, but instead of just randomly auctioning them off, we had to make you work for it (KINDA)
We offered FIVE spots, ONLY to Health & Fitness Bloggers and pages. They had to post a blog about
“What Inspires Me to Sweat” 50-100 words.
Well, lets just say it was a tough competition and we argued about a few, so we picked SIX of you to come! (lucky chicks!)
Here are our winners (in no particular order): (With their blog linked and a favorite quote from their entry)
Missy from Mistransformation “Knowing that I have and am inspiring others on their own fitness journeys is what inspires me to sweat.”
Clarinda of Enjoying the Course “I sweat to love my reflection in the mirror”
Lindsay from ALY Warriors “Exercise is my anti-depressant, meditation, and the reason I am NOW living my best life!”
Mimi of Heavenly Healthy “I am a more fit woman, wife, mommy and friend because of who I have found myself to be through being physically fit.”
Christine of Oatmeal in my Bowl “[My daughter] And knowing that I can keep up with her energy levels, hang in their for the long term, and be a healthy role model for her”
Did I forget someone?? oh, no… that’s it.
haha.. just kidding… I wanted to give THIS girl a hard time, because she KILLED it on twitter, I never saw so many tweets for someone as this girl Heidi! Congrats Heidi!!
Heidi of Banana Buzzbomb “I’m inspired to sweat because every step I take in my run, every circuit I complete, every mile I ride, and every length I swim makes me a better, healthier, and happier person than I was yesterday.”
Congratulations ladies!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity. So flippin’ excited. See you in Vegas next month!!
See you soon!!
Yay, congrats ladies!! I’ll see you there! I’m so excited!
Congrats Tiffany!!
Congrats all!!!!
This is great news! How exciting! Thanks.
Wow! I’m so excited to be chosen among such fantastic women. Can’t wait for next month.
Congratulations Missy!!!