Artifcial Sweeteners

We get a lot of questions about sweetners. Are they safe? Can I have them? What about Agave? What about Splenda? etc. etc.
In general, artificial sweeteners are NOT recommended. Then again, neither is sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Our best advice is to use sweeteners in very limited amounts

The best ones we’ve found so far are: Luo Han, Stevia, Honey, Pure Cane Sugar or Xylitol

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  1. ahhh I LOVED me some artificial sweeteners back in the day :-)
    thankfully I left them there….back in the day.

    Sporadic stevia is it for me!

  2. sherice potter says:

    why are you saying that stevia is better than the truvia.. I understand that it comes from the same plant. stevia comes from one side of the leaf and truvia from the other. Is this not correct. I would think that they would be equally good or bad. I like the truvia better than the stevia because it’s not as bitter. I do have some xylitol, maybe I should just use that. and I have some Turbinado sugar that I use sometimes.. Is that better or worse?

    • Truvia is actually a chemically altered version of stevia. It does taste better, but had been structurally changed.
      We are just saying use it all in moderation.
      We’d probably use Truvia more often than tubinado, but just use all in moderation

  3. Nicole Slay says:

    I’ve been using Truvia….is that an ok one?

  4. Heather Dube says:

    Great post ladies :) quick add… research shows sucralose (marketing name Splenda) doesn’t spike insulin, although if it’s cut with dextrose the dextrose may. The reason you want to avoid sucralose are the GI tract disturbances it causes related to included toxic substances. Hope that helps add some additional insight. :-) Point being, ….keep that nasty sh*t out of your stomach, it pisses off your liver.

  5. Heather Dube says:

    …what’s saddens us is particularly how many trainers & fitness professionals think it’s something okay to consumer in daily, regular quantities — we’re getting there though, slowly but surely! Nice to see others raising needed awareness. :-)

  6. I am confused about Sucralose because you recommend Dymatize Elite XT in your Almond Coconut Oatmeal Bake and it contains Sucralose. What am I missing?

    • David- we just recommend using any artificial sweeteners sparingly. We do use splenda/sucralose for baking sometimes and Dymatize was one we happened to have, we really haven’t found a good baking protein yet without artificial sweeteners yet:(

  7. Lisa Edwards says:

    Hey guys, Great job in getting the word out on artificial sweeteners. There is a must see video on Aspartame (Nutrasweet or Equal), everyone needs to watch. I was dumbfounded watching this video. Waring its a lengthy video but well worth watching. Please pass this video along to anyone you know who uses Aspartame

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