How to travel 45,000 miles in a year…. or just get out of town


Its been no secret that I have been on the road for the last 3 months.
As fun and exciting as it has been, I am definitely glad to be home with my awesome husband and pups.

I do get asked quite often how I am able to do it/afford it, etc. and I got an email from a young family member the other day asking this:

“How were you able to travel as much as you did in a single year? Money, time, obligation-wise etc. I’d like to know since it is one of my goals to travel when young because I’ve read that it should be something you should do to expand your world.”

Here was my response:

  • Tuesday
  • Danny J Johnson

    12/3, 11:12pm

     Danny J Johnson

    hey cutie!!! thank you so much! well, I have been able to travel so much for a few reasons

    #1. I have an online business….that is probably the single most important piece. I actually have a few businesses, but all of them only require a phone and wi-fi

    #2. I have an extremely supportive husband and have to plan a bit to take care of our animals when I’m gone, but the dogs are probably my biggest obligation… luckily we can find a sitter pretty easily when needed.

    #3. As far as money goes: I don’t make a lot, but I don’t spend foolishly. I budget for travel and Nate and I put 10% out of all we earn into a travel fund, just for vacation… I’ve also been able to travel by having some companies or events pay for me… so it was basically free. I also own my car instead of having a car payment and I try to keep my expenses low. We live debt free and try to keep it that way.

    #4. When I travel I try to find cheap ways to stay, like or staying with friends who I’ve met online

    #5. I look for deals on airfare; I get emails from and and I pay attention to flights and airfare sales

    and I agree, I think EVERY young person should travel. I was able to spend some time in Europe when I was 20, 21, 22 and it was amazing! and I STILL continue to travel when I can.

    What do you all think? Do you have any more questions? Do you like to travel? Is it a priority or do you love to stay close to home? I’m super curious as I know that we all have such different lifestyles.

    Any tips for the rest of us to save money on travel or to budget it?


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