What if you had a CONTRACT for every goal?

First off, I want to say THANK YOU.
You guys helped me win a scholarship to a program that I learned about last year that I really wanted to be a part of; it’s called Youth Speaker University.
It is basically a 12 month curriculum teaching you how to become a better speaker and share your message with today’s youth and/or teachers and counselors of our youth.

I won by getting the most comments, shares, likes and views on THIS video

So, I just got the log in for the course and I downloaded the first part of the workbook.
What I found at the bottom was THIS contract

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I guess the reason this wow-ed me is that I have worked with so many clients in my personal training business and co-workers in my network marketing business and the amount of people who GIVE UP is astounding!!!

What IF every time we set a goal for ourselves, or tried something new, we actually wrote it down and MADE A COMMITMENT to follow through, KNOWING that it is in our best interest, and KNOWING that it is going to be hard and things will sometimes suck?!

What IF you wanted to lose 30 lbs and you wrote a contract to yourself:

I _____________, will:

  1. commit to working out 3 days per week.
  2. limit my drinking anything but water to one drink per week
  3. will eat one serving of vegetables every day

I know that this is for my highest good. I know that it will get hard and there will be days I don’t want to, but I will continue.

Signed _____________________


Or what if you started a brand new business or network marketing company and you REALLY want to be able to stay home with your kids and you just said:

I ____________, will:

  1. Talk to 2 new people a day about my product, service, or opportunity.
  2. will listen to any training that my company provides
  3. will read books and become a student and ask successful people what they do.

I know that this is for my highest good and this will help me eventually get to my goals and that there will be days I don’t want to, but I will continue.

Signed _______________________



What if we SIGN A DOCUMENT promising NOT to give up on what we really want??

If we can keep our OWN WORD to ourselves, we will have higher integrity in our relationships, more confidence and maybe ACTUALLY do what we set ourselves up to do.

What are you going to do now?

Write out a contract for yourself today.

Take a pic and post it or let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Straight out of napoleon hill! I love having my mission statement or “definite purpose/cheif aim” written and read aloud daily, its part of our mastermind group doing the napoleon hill law of success course. Sign those contracts… but keep them also front and centre! (Mines on my bedroom roof so i can read it first thing and last thing) xx


  1. Making A Contract With Yourself | Comprehensive Bariatric Center at Princeton Baptist Medical Center says:

    […] Click here to read more. […]

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