WE DID IT!! Debt Free in 68 days!!

If you were following me back in February, you may remember that I made a statement that I was on a FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN and I planned to be debt free by the end of May. Well… I was wrong.

It happened YESTERDAY.

My husband and I managed to pay off $18,000 worth of debt in 68 days, because we were “faithful with the little things
If you didn’t get a chance then to see my webinar, please take an hour and watch it, because you will really understand and realize HOW BIG of deal this really was to our little family. If I had not come across Dani and her program, I can confidently say, I would have continued to pay $200 a month on my student loan for the next 12 years. (and paying a lot more in interest in that time) and holding my credit card balances for at least another year!
I was tired of being a SLAVE and not keeping my OWN money!!

So, in my webinar, I was extremely honest about my money, what I had made last year, being on food stamps and losing our house and what we were now earning and spending. My husband and I attended Dani Johnson’s First Steps to Success Seminar on January 26-27th and we realized that weekend how much money we were WASTING. We made an immediate budget and a plan to be out of debt by May 17th (her next event)

I gulped and we kind of laughed because I thought “There is NO WAY we can actually do this”


Not only did we pay off nearly $18k, we also saved close to $3k and GAVE AWAY over $1500!!!
I’m actually in tears writing this.
I feel nervous about posting this because I don’t want it to come off as bragging. I hope that people can realize how being faithful and following a plan can WORK.
For all the people that purchased the WAR ON DEBT program with my link, we created a small supportive Facebook group, and I’ve learned how to cut my groceries even more, we’ve supported each other on credit card pay offs and I’d LOVE to have a few more people in there

So if YOU are ready to break free of the bondage—-> Spend the $99 that will pay you back 7-fold and get in our group and lets succeed together. (purchase War on Debt and email me your receipt to [email protected])

Below are screen shots of my ACTUAL Student Loan Pay off

DEBT PAYOFF-- (they said the $3.14 would drop off in 30 days)


Credit Card#1– $1670.67

Credit Card#2– $4274.37

Student Loan $11,810.69
TOTAL DEBT:  $17,755.73


TOTAL DEBT as of April 10, 2013

Credit Card#1– $0

Credit Card#2– $0

Student Loan $0

 War on Debt

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  1. Congrats on your accomplishment! You should be proud and should share! Your success helps others realize they too can do the same :-)

  2. Hey Danny,
    I would LOVE to watch this video, but unfortunately, I’m having difficulties having it play past the 10 minute mark. Has anyone else had this issue?

    • Erika– you may need to update your quicktime or try another browser

      • Thank you so much! I was finally able to watch the video through Internet Explorer. I’m now so inspired to get rid of all of my debt (about $5,000). I’ve had long-term goals for awhile to get a car and go back to college, so I am finally going to pay off my debt and save for these goals! I had never realized just how much money I was wasting on small stupid things that I did not really need. Like you said in the video, I spent that money just because I had it in that moment. I’m more determined than ever to stop spending, pay my debt, and put more money away! Thank you so much for sharing your story and techniques that worked for you.

  3. I have so much debt and it really stresses me out. I have seeen people post things liek this, but currently I am only working an hourly part=time job. every paycheck goes to paying the minimum on each bill bc thats all i can afford. do you still think doing something like this is possible forme?

  4. Jeannie says:

    I have a lot of debt which are with bill collectors in addition to car and mortgage how can this program help me I don’t know where to turn

  5. Did you truly pay off $18,00 or did you “settle” some of this debt for a lower amount?

    • it was ALL paid off…none was settled. We sold some things that we didn’t need, we got rid of some payments (like storage unit) and we gave 10% and suddenly I had new business ideas, opportunities came out of the blue.. I could tell you all of it.. but it was miracles. I truly believe that if you are faithful with the little things and you continue with your goal in mind, the universe starts to conspire to make it happen

  6. Isabella says:

    This sounds great, but I wonder if it could work for me. I have an autoimmune disease and have to buy expensive medication, plus there are only a few different foods in this world that I can eat. I also have to eat a lot of calories because I have malabsorption, so my groceries are pretty expensive.

  7. Hi! I just watched your webinar and was truly inspired. I’m ready to be debt-free!! Thank you for sharing. Take care!

  8. I have been debating for awhile now about getting War on Debt and am glad you shared about it! Thanks!

  9. I’m so happy for you but super confused. In order to pay off that much debt in 68 days, you are obviously making even more than that in income. I just want to understand so I can be realistic with my expectations as I go through the program. If my husband and I only make $3000/ month, we obviously can’t expect to pay off $10,000 in debt in a couple months…

    • Heather… the irony of this was, my husband and I, at the time only made $5,000 a month.
      So I didn’t expect to be able to pay off $18,000 in 3 months (obviously)
      after we started giving and selling some things, it was crazy, but we made more money than we ever had and we had money that was owed to us for years come out of nowhere.
      When you are faithful with the little things, things happen.
      I tell more of my story on a video here: http://5debttips.com


  1. […] free. I also own my car instead of having a car payment and I try to keep my expenses low. We live debt free and try to keep it that […]

  2. […] Wow! This was cool!! I had just paid off all my student-loan debt, was riding on the high of being DEBT FREE and now I had a vehicle to share with others to do the same thing as me…. […]

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