Get Glowing Liver Cleanse

As you can imagine, in the fitness industry I love to check out all the latest research, learn about the human body, how it works, and how to make it perform OPTIMALLY.

Ever since I struggled with metabolic damage and hormonal issues stemming for over-dieting and exercise I have been even MORE consumed with learning how to make my hormones function optimally and what “true” health is.


I have tried different cleanses before, I have even created my own.

However, about 8 months ago I needed PROFESSIONAL help (think DOCTOR) with my wacky hormones.
I met a woman, Dr. Tami, at an event, and right away I could tell “She GETS me.. she GETS MY BODY!!”

Sometimes, as women, we just KNOW that something is off, but we don’t have any exact reason for saying so.

Dr. Tami helped me get my hormones tested and helped me understand what was happening with my body… why my moods and periods were wacky.. why I was tired in the afternoon… whew!!

What I love about her is that she GENUINELY wants to help women feel AMAZING.

She recently posted about her Get Glowing Liver Cleanse and I figured, you know, I have NOT been taking the best care of myself (and possibly having a few too many social drinks) and maybe my liver could use a little jump start.

I could tell, that my skin has been a little less “glowy” and my digestion hasn’t been fantastic, so I got going on this cleanse.

I’m just a few days in, but I can tell you right away some things that I LOVE

  • This doesn’t feel “restrictive”- I still get to eat, I just know I need to clean it up!
  • I feel like I’m really doing SELF-CARE. I love the shower and skin scrubbing part!!
  • It’s pretty easy!! I just take out my supplements for the day and remember to drink more water
  • My skin is already clearing up and feeling less itchy.. yay!

One thing Dr. Tami mentioned to me was the juicing; how it is suggested but not mandatory. She doesn’t want people to beat themselves up for not doing it every day.

I have to say, THAT right there instantly made me feel less guilt, and like I am still doing my body a lot of good, even if its not “perfect”

I feel like I can actually incorporate this into my life maybe once a quarter and there will definitely be enough product to do so!
I’m excited to see and feel the results in the next week and a half!!


6 Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For a Wildly Alive Day

Wildly Alive Morning Image (1)

Wildly Alive Morning Image (1)** guest post 

Something I hear from my clients often is that around two or three every afternoon, they start to

feel exhausted. They feel worn down, and they reach for some afternoon caffeine or sugar to

perk them up. Hours later, they feel exhausted again. It’s a vicious cycle. I tell them a secret

I’m here to let you in on today –


If you’re feeling worn out every afternoon, it’s because you’re starting your morning off in fight or

flight mode! Think about it – you wake up, you check your phone, and you rush around getting

ready while you run over your mental checklist of all the things you need to get finished that day.

You feel stressed and defeated before you even walk out the door!


Here’s the thing – the first hour of your day sets the tone for how your entire day will go! You

want to feel productive? Have energy for that post-work workout? Avoid sugar cravings in the

afternoon? The key is setting yourself up for a wildly alive day within minutes of waking up.

Here’s how both my coaching clients and myself start our days off on the best possible tone –


Cuddle your loved ones

When your alarm goes off, spend a few moments snuggling with your partner, your pets, your

kids – whoever you share a bed with! Wake up slowly, soak in the love of the people you share

your home with, and be thankful.


Talk with the Universe

Spend a few moments visualizing how you’d like your day to go. Say some prayers for yourself

and others. Mentally review all of the things you have to be grateful for. In my program, my

clients make goal cards that I encourage them to review at this time, but you can do the same

thing by spending time thinking about what your long term goals are, and what small actions you

can take today to reach them. It’s all about putting good juju out for yourself and the people you



Keep your phone out of reach

It only adds stress to your morning to begin checking email, Facebook and text messages as

soon as you wake up. Wait until you’ve moved through your morning routine and are feeling

nourished, reenergized and ready to face the day before looking at a screen.


Boil a pot of water

Instead of jumping right into your morning coffee drinking, boil some hot water and add a slice of

fresh lemon. Hot lemon water is a soothing, detoxifying way to get your body moving every

morning. For an added detoxifying boost, add some cayenne pepper to the mix.


Make breakfast a priority

After going without food for 8-10 hours, your body needs to be refueled! I tell my clients to focus

on eating a healthy, nourishing breakfast within ninety minutes of waking up. If you wait much

longer, your body will begin craving sugars, caffeine and other not-so-healthy foods, setting you

up for a day of poor choices and irritable behavior.


Have fun getting ready

Enjoy getting ready for your day by first taking a relaxing shower. While you’re standing under

the warm water, imagine all of the stress of the day before melting off of your body and washing

down the drain. Once you’re feeling clean and refreshed, spend some time jamming to your

favorite uplifting music. Put on makeup, choose clothes that make you feel great, and do your

hair. My clients hear from me all the time that when you feel fabulous, you make fabulous

choices in your day!


Nichole Kellerman wants to live in a world where women actually enjoy the process of losing

weight and connecting with their bodies.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into the lifestyle they dream of, you’ll

find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her boyfriend and two


Her business, Wildly Alive Weight Loss, is for women who want to stop dieting and re-frame

their minds so they can reshape their bodies. Her teachings are like nothing you’ve ever heard.

Discover how you can lose weight by feeling #WildlyAlive at​ Nichole Kellerman photo shoot 180(3) (1)

When Life gives you Lemons……

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I have a friend who I met through the internet (as I have met MANY of you!!)
His name is Adam and he has been working on a project for quite awhile now.
What I love about Adam is that his product is more than just a cool drink (which it is!!)

It is about his STORY and how he turned Lemons into… well…. LÉMONESSE.™

(keep reading below but also check out my instagram to see me trying it for the first time!!)

Check out his story below:

EPSON scanner imageEPSON scanner image

 When Live Gives You Lemons Turn Them Into LÉMONESSE.™ When one door closes another opens. LÉMONESSE™ was born after I was involved in a life-changing drunk driving accident. I starting playing baseball when I just just 5 years old.  Essentially I lived, breathed and ate baseball.  After years of blood, sweat and tears I was playing college baseball and on a path to a hopeful professional career. While in college I returned home for Christmas break to see my older brother who had returned from his military service in Iraq. On a quiet December night, our family was headed to Church when a drunk driver crossed the median and hit my brother and I head on. My Mom, Dad, younger brother, and sister all watched this unfold in the car ahead of them.My baseball dreams were crushed. I suffered multiple surgeries as a result of the accident.  I was forced to re-focus my dreams and aspirations. I decided to take the passion that I had for baseball and my desire to become a professional athlete and put it into an entrepreneurial journey that would teach me more about life, love, and lemons than I ever could have imagined.


If you want to find MORE about LÉMONESSE.™ follow ALL of their social media! and tell Adam hello and great job!!

facebook | twitter | YouTube
Pinterest | Instagram

Here’s Some Lemon Facts

There are numerous health benefits of lemons. Listed below are 3 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water on a Daily Basis.

1) Overall Bodily Health

Lemon juice helps to flush out unwanted toxins from the body. Lemons contain high levels of antioxidants called bioflavonoids. Research shows that bioflavonoids may modify allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. Lemon water contains very little calories if any and also helps you stay hydrated by adding a healthy flavoring to your water. A simple shot of lemon can spruce up that boring old water and add a wealth of benefits.

2) Balances pH Levels

Contrary to what most people believe lemon water, although acidic in nature, is actually treated by the body as a base once ingested. We consume an over-abundance of acidic foods thus lowering our bodies pH level. Our body is constantly working to maintain homeostasis and by eating too many acidic foods we aren’t helping our bodies to maintain the desired 7.4 pH level. Lemon water can help the body maintain a homeostatic state by alkalizing the blood and reversing the effects of highly acidic foods.

3) Digestive Boost

A study in the “International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.” released in 2011 stated that taste receptors for bitter substances trigger your pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes and your gall bladder to release bile. This helps the digestive process along and makes the process of eliminating waste products from the body easier.

4) Scurvy treatment

Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy causes general weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin hemorrhages.

5) Gall/Kidney Stone Reduction

The citric acid in lemon juice assists in dissolving gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones.

6) Antibacterial

Lemons have powerful antibacterial properties; lemon juice has been found to assist in the degradation of bacteria of diseases such as malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid as well as others.

7) Acne treatment

The alkalizing effect of lemons aid in the reduction of the bacteria known to cause acne.

8) Freshen Breath

A breath of freshness. Lemons and warm water can help freshen breath.

9) Digestion Help

Drinking a glass of lemon water with a meal can help stimulate the production of stomach acid which can aid in the digestion process.

10) Assist in Weight Loss Lemons contain a soluble fiber called pectin that has been shown to help with weight loss. Another great benefit of lemons aiding in weight loss comes by adding lemon to your water. This adds flavor without the calories. In addition you can reap all the other health benefits lemons bring to your body.

My 3-Day Juice Cleanse

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

I was one of those people, whom if you mentioned a juice cleanse or fast, I would say:

“WHY do you need that? Your liver should detox everything… just make healthy choices! Duh!!”

Then…. I saw the movie “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”

I became a little more open-minded, yet still, strongly skeptical.

In the movie, a man goes on a complete juice fast for something like 90 days! It’s a little extreme, but he explains that he is getting enough calories and the juice is taking the concentrated nutrients from the fruits and vegetables.
I was intrigued enough to want to try it, or at least add a green juice to my daily routine.

However, I looked into juicers and got overwhelmed and then dropped that idea.


So… in comes Skinny Limits!!

Two of my dear friends, Rebekah Borucki (Bexlife) and Sarah Dussault (Sarahfit), both did a Skinny Limits juice cleanse and review, and since I highly value their opinions and friendship… I totally asked them on the side,

“sooooo… tell me the truth… what did you really think?”

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They both came back with REAL rave reviews.

Ok, Ok.. let’s do this!

I got ahold of the company and decided that the BEST time for me to try the cleanse was after I returned from Chicago, it would be my last weekend of travel after 3 months on the road. A really good time to detox!!

I chose the TROPICAL 3-Day Cleanse, because I saw that pineapple juice was in it… and… well…. pineapple juice.

So, since it arrived pretty early in the morning, I decided to start right then!

I busted open my first juice… and….down the hatch!!

Mmmm!! Not bad! It was green, but it didn’t “taste green” if you know what I mean?

I stacked all the drinks in number order in my fridge and I was really excited to do this!

I did get a little hungry, but there were 6 juices a day, so I never really felt deprived.

The morning of Day 2, I felt a little achy. I did read that there might be detox-like symptoms; headache, fatigue, etc.

It was to be expected. The hunger wasn’t too big of an issue and I really did enjoy each of the drinks. In fact, I was really looking forward to trying each one, so I kept looking at my clock to see if it was time yet!

Unfortunately, on Day 2…. I got into a car accident on the way home from a hair appointment.
ugh!!! Needless to say, I cried and went to bed skipping the last two juices.

(Note: everyone was ok. My car, the other guys car, ego and bank account were the most hurt)


Day 3 I woke up a little hungrier (from skipping a few hundred calories) and had to make some calls to insurance.

I ended up going to get my car looked at and had to drop it off for repairs, pick up a rental, etc.
That ended up taking over 6 hours… and, did I bring my juice?

I ended up eating a meal out because I knew I wasn’t going to be home anytime soon.

I felt like I failed, for not doing the cleanse “right”

The good news was… I had some drinks left over for Day 4!!

I realized how much I was really looking forward to my daily juices and I was definitely starting to feel better!

I definitely WILL do this cleanse again and I can see the benefit of having 1-2 juices a day just to add to your daily routine.
I love the convenience of having the juices made and shipped to you (it would be a TON of work, to try this by juicing your own!!)

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day


I loved this cleanse. I do NOT recommend getting into a car accident while you’re attempting to cleanse. (I also don’t recommend it at any time.. it’s really a bummer)
I will most likely do a FULL 3-Day cleanse once a quarter and also try and get some of these juices going in my daily or at least monthly routine. I think I’m addicted!

*All reviews posted on my blog feature my own views and opinions. There are instances when I have reviewed or featured a product and I have received compensation in the form of product for my personal use or for use in a giveaway, discounts toward purchase for my followers, monetary compensation, or any combination of those three things. I never accept payment for favorable reviews.


How to PROPERLY take measurements and ditch your scale!


“I feel like my clothes are getting looser but the scale hasn’t budged! What gives?!”

As a trainer I’ve heard this many, many times! In fact, when you are “doing it right”; exercising while dieting, this may happen more often. Muscle tissue is more dense than fat and it takes up less space. So if you are gaining lean muscle (good) while at the same time losing fat (also good) you may not see the scale move (this is OK!!) but you ARE actually getting smaller!
Besides taking measurements, progress pictures are a GREAT way to track progress.
It’d hard for us to see the small incremental changes day-to-day and we might feel like we aren’t getting anywhere, but I guarantee, that quarter inch adds to another and another and soon we have inches and pant sizes lost!
So, if you don’t want to throw your scale out.. fine. BUT don’t let tha be your only measuring tool to track your progress.

My Favorite Books


Lately I have been asked by quite a few people what are some books that I recommend.

If you don’t know me well, let me just tell you, I am quite the book nerd. I love to read, however, I definitely don’t get as much of a chance to read as often as I’d like.

(I know,I know, you have to make the time!! I need to make more time to read!)

Anyway, I thought I would post a few of these books so you have a great place to start if you’re looking for motivation, diet advice or just want some solid NO BS information.

“Diet/Lifestyle Books”

The Dark Side of Fat Loss— this is an e-book by a colleague of mine, Sean Croxton. I fully trust Sean because he’s def, a no b.s. guy when it comes to all things training and diet. He admits that he was wrong in the past (as was I) and he asks all the right questions of all the right people on his podcast “The Underground Wellness Show”
This e-book is a great resource and you can download it now!


The Metabolic Effect— this book is written by a friend, colleague and mentor of mine, Jade Teta and his brother Keoni Teta. I know Jade personally and his methods of training are without a doubt things that I use in my training everyday. He’s great at simplifying difficult concepts and helping your figure out YOUR personal fat-burning formula. I love the approach, because we are all different. This is a great resource for anyone to have!

Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!— by Jillian Michaels. Ok another fact about me, I LOVE JILLIAN MICHAELS. I’d have to say she is my idol? Maybe. I just love her straight-forward, no B.S. approach, and in her years of working with severely obese people, I think she’s learned a thing or two. I also have  a lot in common with her (besides our careers) dealing with thyroid issues among other things. Jillian’s book is great, its not always easy to understand, or follow, but its a good, solid piece of info as well if you want to get off the weight-loss roller coaster once and for all.


Then I have two books that I love for self-growth, personal development and goal setting.

Twelve Pillars— by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener. O.M.G. Jim Rohn is one of my favorite speakers of all time. I sadly learned about him only 3 months before he passed away. I wish I could have seen him speak in person. This book is a simple story of a man who breaks down on the side of the road and learns some wonderful lessons from a gardner. The lessons you can apply to your jobs, your family, your weight-loss, anything! I simply cannot say enough about this book. You can finish it in less than a weekend too!

 Excuses Begone!— Dr. Wayne Dyer. I actually have the CDs of this book, because I love listening to Dr. Dyer while I drive. This book is about how you can change your mental outlook and get rid of any bad habit, any self-defeating thought simply with a shift in your paradigm.

Metabolic Workout #1


A metabolic workout is a HIGH INTENSITY workout designed to go through different movements, with little rest, often using large muscle groups and big compound movements or shuttling blood quickly from lower body to upper body.

Most metabolic workouts are short, intense and will give you a full body workout with a great “after-burn”– your metabolism will be up for hours afterward!

Here is an example of one to try today:



Air Squats


Falling Push-Ups

Start with 50 reps of air squats, followed quickly by 50 plank/straddles, followed by 50 falling push-ups. Without resting (too much) go on to 40 reps of each, and so on all the way down to 10 reps of each exercise. TIME IT! (#dontbeabitch)