How can I detox from SUGAR?!

we can do anything for 3 weeks, right?!

We are 3 weeks into the August Sweets N’ Sprints Challenge and I just noticed today for the first time I didn’t have outrageous cravings!
I do have to say that I caved and totally had some coffee with (4) splenda AND a diet soda (GEEZ!!) on the 3rd and 5th days and I had to “re-commit” myself to the challenge… geez!
It was HARD! Harder than I thought. I didn’t really know if the cravings were actually physical or more psychological, but probably both!

I started doing some research and actually, what prompted me was an email from my friend George of Civilized Caveman Cooking. He just got home from a 6-week “tour of being cool” and said he was going to do this 21-Day Sugar Detox. So, when George posts, I listen…. and I bought it. haha. Anyway, just thought I would share something that might help you, motivate you and also keep you on track a little better than I did the first 21-days. I think this is something I will refer back to often.

we can do anything for 3 weeks, right?!

Click Here!


I also found this e-book The Sugar Addiction Solution. I’ll be honest, I didn’t download this one, because I already did the first one, but it was intriguing, so I thought I’d share, and if you’re interested and you get it, let me know your review!

The Sugar Addiction Solution

Click Here!

Splenda Interview with Expert Michelle LeSueur

Splenda Interview with Michelle LeSueur

If you have been following along with the August Challenge— we are 2 weeks in on NO SPLENDA, NO SUGARS, NO ARTIFICIAL SUGARS for all of August… wow!

We started with the challenge, because I saw a picture of Bo Shin who posted some incredible results by taking out Splenda. She did an interview last week and we asked her if the pics were photoshopped and if she changed her workout routine as well—-> you can see Bo’s Interview here

I can see the difference in Bo’s pictures, but I wanted to know:

“Why is splenda so bad?”

“What does it really do?” and

“What ARE the best options for sweeteners?”

I decided to call and ask a friend and expert on this: Michelle LeSueur: Energetic Practitioner and Nutritionist

Michelle works with many, many individuals with weight and gut issues, allergies, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases. I know she’s an avid reader and educates herself incessantly. She has a pretty incredible personal story and I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say!

Check it out– and all of the links to find more from Michelle are below:

Michelle’s Facebook Fan Page

email: [email protected]


Splenda Challenge Interview with Bo Shin

Interview with Bo Shin

OK here it is! I promised I would ask Bo about these pictures that she posted of her 4 weeks without splenda–

— did she do any extra cardio or workouts?

— what did she use as a sugar/splenda substitute?

–did she photoshop the picture?

After talking with her, it gave me a new motivation to get through the first week and keep pushing past the cravings!

Later on this week, I will post an interview with an expert on WHY these “fake sugars” are so bad for you and what do they do?
you can find Bo on her FACEBOOK PAGE