“I feel like my clothes are getting looser but the scale hasn’t budged! What gives?!”
As a trainer I’ve heard this many, many times! In fact, when you are “doing it right”; exercising while dieting, this may happen more often. Muscle tissue is more dense than fat and it takes up less space. So if you are gaining lean muscle (good) while at the same time losing fat (also good) you may not see the scale move (this is OK!!) but you ARE actually getting smaller!
Besides taking measurements, progress pictures are a GREAT way to track progress.
It’d hard for us to see the small incremental changes day-to-day and we might feel like we aren’t getting anywhere, but I guarantee, that quarter inch adds to another and another and soon we have inches and pant sizes lost!
So, if you don’t want to throw your scale out.. fine. BUT don’t let tha be your only measuring tool to track your progress.