Protein Coffee Creamer Review

Ripped Cream Protein Creamer

So I get asked to write reviews and try products from time to time. Sometimes I’m not interested and sometimes I’m intrigued and excited, this was one of the latter.

If you don’t know, I’m a big coffee LOVER. I have given it up in the past and I have tried drinking it black, but you know what?! I realized life is too short and I just enjoy some nice hot coffee with cream and sweetener. It’s my ONE vice… so sue me! I don’t claim to be perfect!
I have graduated to stevia but I will use raw sugar when I’m out if I need sweet (I use less than I used to), and sometimes I drink it black, but I do love a little creamy texture but I’m kind of picky about my creamer– no soy milk, yes to milk sometimes, yes on creamer powder, no on the half and half, no on almond milk, etc (see?! I’m picky!!)

This is where RIPPED CREAM comes in!
I saw Ripped Cream on twitter and I was intrigued by the name, then I saw that it was a PROTEIN coffee creamer… Hmmmm coffee creamer that gives me a little more protein, I like it!
But will I LIKE it?!

OK, so first off, there are two flavors: Lean Vanilla Bean & Chizzled Chocolate

Ripped Cream Protein Creamer

How to decide?!
well… that was easy.. I got both

The creamer is powdered, which is actually fine, because 99% of the time I use powdered creamer. I don’t know why, but I just like it better!
I looked at the ingredients and, well, to be quite honest, there were some things I couldn’t pronounce, but all in all, it was what coffee creamer powders are made of: coconut oil, cornstarch and organic sugar…. and protein.

The MIX test: amazing. This product was not clumpy at all, gave my coffee a very nice consistency and flavor and honestly, I didn’t really need to add much more sweetener to it.

The TASTE test: This product was actually very yummy. I kind of had low expectations (just beecause I’m a cynic) and I actually really really loved it. I would say, I couldn’t tell a huge difference between the chocolate and vanilla in the coffee but they were equally yum.

I actually decided to put some of the chocolate creamer in my oatmeal and THAT was a brilliant idea. I could taste the chocolate much better and it made for some yummy breakfast.

Protein Creamer Oatmeal Idea

If you’re looking for something sugar-free or uber healthy, this isn’t your product. BUT if you’re looking for a healthier, higher protein version of the stuff you already use, then I’d say Ripped Cream is a great buy! I love the marketing, I love the idea and it was also started by a woman and I LOVE to support women entrepreneurs anytime I can.

Definitely check out their website to order at AND I have a special coupon code for FREE SHIPPING.. pow!!

Upon checkout, you can enter shipfree in the box “Enter Your Coupon”, and it will take off $5.95 from the order.

you can also


I have food issues

I have food issues

“I have food issues”
Do you?
Many of you will nod your head, in fact, I would too…

Until, I started giving it a deeper thought… hmmm

Here’s what I have to say and I realize it might not be popular

Too excited for words!

Screen shot 2012-11-16 at 12.37.08 PM

I realized I seem  a little high-strung and nutso here!
I’m sorry! This is my explanation of what is going on lately!!

Burning Buns & Pants on Fire

at-home metabolism busting workout

Kettlebell swings x 120… uh.. yeah. Buns and legs on fire!

at-home metabolism busting workout

Adrenal Fatigue: Healing & Hope


If you haven’t been a fan of this page for long, I’ll give you a quick briefing:
I came from the world of fitness competitions and “the fitness industry”, where extreme dieting runs rampant and its normal to “diet” for weeks on end for a contest, a photoshoot, or an expo and event.
Unfortunately, even though, I knew this was unhealthy for my clients, I somehow thought that I was different.

Well.. I was.. for a few years… but eventually my body rebelled and it left me with metabolic damage and why I’m pissed off. (first video)
I would have never guessed, that one year ago (October 2011) when I basically “gave up” and conceded to “just getting fat” that it would be the catalyst to healing. It wasn’t immediate, and in fact, I didn’t have a clear path to healing until I reached out to some good friends and colleagues for some help. I listed the help and resources in my second video and update.

It has been officially 7 months of healing now, and I’m down 13lbs with about 15-18 to go, but a totally new outlook and one thats not hyper-focused on the scale. I would have never thought, in my tears and frustration that I would look back on this and be grateful for the experience, but it has taught me about the life there is to live and how sharing my story would help so many other women.

Here is my latest update, along with the recent update of a girl who emailed me due to these videos— Please share— I have found this to be very common not only in the world of fitness competitions, but group exercise teachers, marathon runners and personal trainers as well.

Why I spent $107.17 on a wallet

Dannys new wallet

I posted this picture on Instagram. The top picture WAS my wallet, the bottom picture is my new wallet.

My zebra print one was a duct tape wallet (a little girl made me, it was cute, I liked it)

However, it was very sloppy, I definitely wouldn’t want to keep money in it, as lord knows what would happen. (LOL)

It did the job, kept my cards in one spot, my ID, etc. I never really cared what anyone thought about it.

I have always had issues keeping cash, in fact, I HATE having cash on me.

I am afraid I will lose it, it will get stolen, etc. and its very apparent, by my wallet, that I don’t “respect” money.
So, last week I had my meeting with my mentor and millionaire, Ali Brown.

Ali started asking me questions about money and she said, “Let me see your wallet.”


I never cared about showing anyone my wallet… in fact, I’d even bragged about it before, but sitting in her home.. suddenly I was EMBARRASSED. I KNEW what she was getting at.
I dug in my purse, and winced and uncomfortably laughed as I handed her my wallet (with receipts and cards falling out of it) ugh… (face turning red)
She basically flipped it over and said
“First, get a new wallet.. a NICE wallet.. and keep some money in there”
She also told me to start hanging out with people who have money. (my husband said, “So does this mean we should go hang around the Mercedes dealership on Monday?” LOL)
The reason for all this, and why I’m posting about it,  is simply, a MIND SHIFT.
I understand it, and she didn’t need to explain.
When I was forced to show her my wallet, my duct tape wallet, in the millionaire’s house, I got it.. right then.
I need to stop acting as if there is nothing, that I have nothing, or as soon as I do it’s gone.
I need stop fearing money and need to realize its ok to have money in my purse, in my wallet, in my bank account.
I need to feel ok with DESERVING it.Its a simple concept for me in weight-loss…
I have a client who lost 125 lbs.,  yet he still wore this HUGE gawd awful 3XL shirts! I hated that! Stop dressing like you’re fat!! You ARENT.
I totally GET IT..With money and myself, it was the same thing.
I continued to “wear fat pants” even though I am a successful (or trying to be successful) person.
Not only did I get a nicer wallet… I spent $100 fucking dollars on that wallet!
(This is something I would NEVER do… OMG… who spends $100 on a wallet?!!)
Well I did.
and you know what? I was really comfortable with it, and I LOVE my wallet… in fact, I took this so seriously, I went to every freakin’ store in the mall, from Gucci, to Fendi, to Louis Vuitton and I actually came back to the very first wallet I liked.
This is not to say that ANYONE needs to spend $100 on a wallet.
This was specifically significant for me and some of my personal hang-ups. (and I can tell  you right now, my mother is probably reading this and screaming in her kitchen, “Danyell I can’t believe you spent $100 on a wallet!!!…. its ok mom :) there’s more where that came from)
However, look within yourself.
Maybe its weight or clothing— you don’t deserve nice clothes because you “aren’t there yet” or you only eat cheap food because “you’re just going to poop it out anyway” (LOL but I’ve totally heard this)
Whatever it is.. is there something you are denying or maybe not giving the respect it needs in order for YOU to become a bigger and better version of you?
Hell, I know, not every millionaire has a nice wallet or a nice purse.
It is a reminder for ME. That is all.
I hope you can see where a mind shift may help you get out of whatever rut or block is holding you back :)
Be YOUR best YOU.

Workshop Weekend, Day with Ali, & Falcon Sightings

Workshop and Ali Video

I have had a WHIRLWIND of a week!
First, I hosted my first Inspiration & Perspiration #inspireLV12 weekend.
It was one of the most memorable events of my life. I had two amazing guests; Angie Gooding, Body-Image Specialist and Bex from Bexlife awesomeness- specialist.

We talked about food, diets, personal issues and how our thoughts create our reality. We had a nice yoga session with Bex and went down to Crossfit Las Vegas to learn some skills and get our butts handed to us on a nice workout.
All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better group of women.
Every woman walked away with not one but TWO huge goodie bags FILLED with stuff from MPG Sport, Labrada Lean Body 4 Her, Naturebox, KLUTCHClub, Perky Jerky, Zico, Chobani, MusclePharm, Quest Bar, Pure Barre and Train Dirty Fitness.
They also all received a very special gift, only available to participants and future participants of the workshop; The Inspiration & Perspiration necklace designed in thought by me and made into being by Creative Galina.

THEN, I was asked to speak to the ladies of UNLV Rebel Girls (dance team). I came in and told them my story of Metabolic Damage and how restrictive eating and over exercising can really cause damage. The girls were touched and there were many tears in the room.

I left that night feeling an overwhelming sense of purpose, that I was exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I needed to be doing. I actually called my husband and began to sob because of the overwhelming feelings I was having and also the small miracles that had been happening over the last few months that led me to this week.

The next day I flew to LAX to meet with Ali Brown, Entrepreneur mentor, whom I won a half day with in August. She is someone I admire and have been following for many years. The chance to sit in her home and strategize with her was an unbelievable experience that was very valuable to me. I share a little story in the video of a falcon sighting. Sometimes when we start to look for the signs in life, we will know when we are on the right path because they will be revealed to us.

Enjoy the video ๐Ÿ˜‰ (PS ignore the random ZOOM halfway through, I couldn’t fix it.. so.. oh well!)

Kettlebell & Abs Pyramid SBW#9

The Workout

I flew “home” to Vegas this weekend to attend and work at the Olympia Expo. This is a HUGE event that I have attended every year since 2005. It is the event to see and be seen if you are in the bodybuilding and fitness/figure/bikini world… and guess what? I just did NOT want to be there this year.
Why? you ask…

Well, for one, I’ve already spent two months without my husband this summer and he wasn’t able to attend, so 5 more days without him wasn’t making me happy… but then it was just the overall feeling that everyone was trying their hardest to get noticed. They had dieted for months just so they could spray on some tan and show off their abs for two days and I hadn’t… and I really didn’t care.


See, I used to be one of them. I used to talk about the Olympia for months and count down the days, and do extra cardio to look my best and get spray tanned the night before, and show up hoping that I could meet someone who could “get me sponsored” or put me in a magazine. I used to restrict my eating, even on my anniversary because it was the week before!

I have just come to realize that REAL fitness isn’t about dieting for a one-day event. Most people in the real world could care less if I have a 6-pack, and my husband would probably love it more if I had a glass of champagne on our anniversary than doing 2 hours of cardio and going to bed early.

BUT… you know what?! I still had a blast being there, because I have made so many friends in the industry over the years, its always great to catch up , to meet fans and to just remember that some of them are really about promoting a healthy life and I can’t let the few that are there for show ruin it for me. To be honest, the majority of people who have longevity in the fitness industry are real, inspiring people, who work hard just like we do. I just need to ignore the show-offs and get on with my bad self ๐Ÿ˜‰

With all that said now… here is a dang workout video! Boy was I glad to sweat again!!

The Sweaty Betties Workout #9

How to take proper progress pictures

How to take amazing progress photos

Not that there are any RULES, but this is the most effective way, I’ve found, when taking progress pictures of my clients and myself ๐Ÿ˜‰

Please be kind, I tried to strip down to give you an idea, I felt very vulnerable

Winners of the #InspireLV12 Blog Contest


What is #InspireLV12 ? It’s our hashtag for the wonderful two-day workshop Inspiration & Perspiration in Las Vegas, Nevada this fall!

The venue was slightly bigger than we expected, so we thought we would add a few more spots, but instead of just randomly auctioning them off, we had to make you work for it (KINDA)

We offered FIVE spots, ONLY to Health & Fitness Bloggers and pages. They had to post a blog about

“What Inspires Me to Sweat” 50-100 words.

Well, lets just say it was a tough competition and we argued about a few, so we picked SIX of you to come! (lucky chicks!)

Here are our winners (in no particular order): (With their blog linked and a favorite quote from their entry)

Missy from Mistransformation Knowing that I have and am inspiring others on their own fitness journeys is what inspires me to sweat.”

Missy of Mistransformation

Clarinda of Enjoying the Course “I sweat to love my reflection in the mirror”

Clarinda– Enjoy the Course

Lindsay from ALY Warriors Exercise is my anti-depressant, meditation, and the reason I am NOW living my best life!”

Linday of ALY Warriors

Mimi of Heavenly Healthy  “I am a more fit woman, wife, mommy and friend because of who I have found myself to be through being physically fit.”

Mimi of Heavenly Healthy

 Christine of Oatmeal in my Bowl “[My daughter] And knowing that I can keep up with her energy levels, hang in their for the long term, and be a healthy role model for her”

Christine from Oatmeal in my Bowl


Did I forget someone?? oh, no… that’s it.
haha.. just kidding… I wanted to give THIS girl a hard time, because she KILLED it on twitter, I never saw so many tweets for someone as this girl Heidi! Congrats Heidi!!

Heidi of Banana Buzzbomb Iโ€™m inspired to sweat because every step I take in my run, every circuit I complete, every mile I ride, and every length I swim makes me a better, healthier, and happier person than I was yesterday.” 

Heidi from Banana Buzzbomb