The Witch is Dead– SB Workout #22



Sweat is My Make-up Upper Body Quick Blast


only have 20 mins at the gym? Need a quickie workout– two sets of exercises, 3 rounds of each and done. This is great for toning, fat-burning, and metabolism bursting while short on time!

You can add some extra cardio if you please, but at least you’ll feel like you got something done. I did this on Sunday and I’m actually sore!


WE DID IT!! Debt Free in 68 days!!

War on Debt

If you were following me back in February, you may remember that I made a statement that I was on a FINANCIAL FREEDOM PLAN and I planned to be debt free by the end of May. Well… I was wrong.

It happened YESTERDAY.

My husband and I managed to pay off $18,000 worth of debt in 68 days, because we were “faithful with the little things
If you didn’t get a chance then to see my webinar, please take an hour and watch it, because you will really understand and realize HOW BIG of deal this really was to our little family. If I had not come across Dani and her program, I can confidently say, I would have continued to pay $200 a month on my student loan for the next 12 years. (and paying a lot more in interest in that time) and holding my credit card balances for at least another year!
I was tired of being a SLAVE and not keeping my OWN money!!

So, in my webinar, I was extremely honest about my money, what I had made last year, being on food stamps and losing our house and what we were now earning and spending. My husband and I attended Dani Johnson’s First Steps to Success Seminar on January 26-27th and we realized that weekend how much money we were WASTING. We made an immediate budget and a plan to be out of debt by May 17th (her next event)

I gulped and we kind of laughed because I thought “There is NO WAY we can actually do this”


Not only did we pay off nearly $18k, we also saved close to $3k and GAVE AWAY over $1500!!!
I’m actually in tears writing this.
I feel nervous about posting this because I don’t want it to come off as bragging. I hope that people can realize how being faithful and following a plan can WORK.
For all the people that purchased the WAR ON DEBT program with my link, we created a small supportive Facebook group, and I’ve learned how to cut my groceries even more, we’ve supported each other on credit card pay offs and I’d LOVE to have a few more people in there

So if YOU are ready to break free of the bondage—-> Spend the $99 that will pay you back 7-fold and get in our group and lets succeed together. (purchase War on Debt and email me your receipt to [email protected])

Below are screen shots of my ACTUAL Student Loan Pay off

DEBT PAYOFF-- (they said the $3.14 would drop off in 30 days)


Credit Card#1– $1670.67

Credit Card#2– $4274.37

Student Loan $11,810.69
TOTAL DEBT:  $17,755.73


TOTAL DEBT as of April 10, 2013

Credit Card#1– $0

Credit Card#2– $0

Student Loan $0

 War on Debt

Premier Protein & Sweaty Betties Giant 35k Giveaway!

Premier Protein Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I don’t use toothpaste….and how to do oil pulling

Oil Pulling and Dirty Mouth

I made a post on Facebook on how I hadn’t gone to the dentist in 7 years.
Well, after a stellar bill of health from the dentist I also admitted something else..
aghhhh!! gross, they say!!
Well… I’ve found a few new things that are awesome for cleaning the mouth:

Oil Pulling and Brushing with DIRT

You can get the Primal Life Organic Toothmud here

check it out!!

What to eat while you’re traveling and Premier Protein Review

What to eat when you travel

I have been on the road for over 2 weeks and I realized the importance of bringing your own food or having some quick and easy snacks while you’re out and about.
Of course, whole foods are your best option, but sometimes those go bad or just aren’t available. I love to have a few protein bars on hand and Premier Protein in one brand that I like!
They asked me to do a review, and I gladly accepted, as I have been using their products for at least 6 years now.
So here’s how I use them and keep an eye out for a contest next week to WIN!!!

Premier Protein on Facebook


Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

You will rarely find me EXCITED about cooking anything. HOWEVER, I love to eat yummy stuff and I especially love to eat yummy stuff that’s REALLY simple!!
Here is a quick recipe I found to make my sweet potatoes/yams a little different than just… say.. the microwave.
PS– Dairy free, gluten free, and meatless! Whoop!
PS this video was a sponsored vid

Full Body Blaster – SB Workout #19

Full Body Blast Workout

This is what my husband and I always call “our” 20 minute workout.
We made this one up a few years back, and whenever we want to do a quick, intense workout, or just something different for cardio, we fall back on this routine.
We both haven’t worked out doing this kind of thing in awhile and we haven’t worked out with EACH OTHER in… well..

MONTHS. If not, over a year. So, we decided to do “our” workout, but instead of doing AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
we decided to just do 3 rounds, however long that would take, with as many breaks as we needed.
WHOA! I don’t remember it being so hard! I guess it really has been a long time!!

I’m not sure how long it took us to complete 3 rounds, but the rests were minimal. Basically didn’t rest until the end of each time through. My buns are killing me already, my quads and calves are feeling it… well.. just about everything is.
Here’s the routine and the weights I used are listed below:


Full Body Blast Workout

– For Kettlebells- I used 25 lbs. Husband used 35 lbs

-Push-ups, I ended up dropping to my knees and did about 20 each time, Hubby did 20-35

-Mountain Climbers– count right & left as ONE

– Body Rows– I eeked out 15 each time on a TRX

-Step- ups I did on a 20′ Plyo Box Hubby used a 24″ box— no weight

–Push-Press I used 20 lb dumbbells and a 40 lb Barbell (a lady stole my DB’s halfway through) Hubby used 35 lb DB’s

– Jump Lunges 12 on each leg. The goal was to do all 24 in a row… never happened.. ha! two sets of 12 for me!!
Tell me how you do!

I have food issues

I have food issues

“I have food issues”
Do you?
Many of you will nod your head, in fact, I would too…

Until, I started giving it a deeper thought… hmmm

Here’s what I have to say and I realize it might not be popular

Leg Day

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Hey Sweaty Betties!
Lets get going on a workout today!
I thought legs and butt would be a great focus since #1. Who doesn’t want a more toned tush? and #2. your glutes and your legs are your largest muscle groups so you’ll get much more calorie burn out of doing these exercises!