How to travel 45,000 miles in a year…. or just get out of town



Its been no secret that I have been on the road for the last 3 months.
As fun and exciting as it has been, I am definitely glad to be home with my awesome husband and pups.

I do get asked quite often how I am able to do it/afford it, etc. and I got an email from a young family member the other day asking this:

“How were you able to travel as much as you did in a single year? Money, time, obligation-wise etc. I’d like to know since it is one of my goals to travel when young because I’ve read that it should be something you should do to expand your world.”

Here was my response:

  • Tuesday
  • Danny J Johnson

    12/3, 11:12pm

     Danny J Johnson

    hey cutie!!! thank you so much! well, I have been able to travel so much for a few reasons

    #1. I have an online business….that is probably the single most important piece. I actually have a few businesses, but all of them only require a phone and wi-fi

    #2. I have an extremely supportive husband and have to plan a bit to take care of our animals when I’m gone, but the dogs are probably my biggest obligation… luckily we can find a sitter pretty easily when needed.

    #3. As far as money goes: I don’t make a lot, but I don’t spend foolishly. I budget for travel and Nate and I put 10% out of all we earn into a travel fund, just for vacation… I’ve also been able to travel by having some companies or events pay for me… so it was basically free. I also own my car instead of having a car payment and I try to keep my expenses low. We live debt free and try to keep it that way.

    #4. When I travel I try to find cheap ways to stay, like or staying with friends who I’ve met online

    #5. I look for deals on airfare; I get emails from and and I pay attention to flights and airfare sales

    and I agree, I think EVERY young person should travel. I was able to spend some time in Europe when I was 20, 21, 22 and it was amazing! and I STILL continue to travel when I can.

    What do you all think? Do you have any more questions? Do you like to travel? Is it a priority or do you love to stay close to home? I’m super curious as I know that we all have such different lifestyles.

    Any tips for the rest of us to save money on travel or to budget it?


My 3-Day Juice Cleanse

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

I was one of those people, whom if you mentioned a juice cleanse or fast, I would say:

“WHY do you need that? Your liver should detox everything… just make healthy choices! Duh!!”

Then…. I saw the movie “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”

I became a little more open-minded, yet still, strongly skeptical.

In the movie, a man goes on a complete juice fast for something like 90 days! It’s a little extreme, but he explains that he is getting enough calories and the juice is taking the concentrated nutrients from the fruits and vegetables.
I was intrigued enough to want to try it, or at least add a green juice to my daily routine.

However, I looked into juicers and got overwhelmed and then dropped that idea.


So… in comes Skinny Limits!!

Two of my dear friends, Rebekah Borucki (Bexlife) and Sarah Dussault (Sarahfit), both did a Skinny Limits juice cleanse and review, and since I highly value their opinions and friendship… I totally asked them on the side,

“sooooo… tell me the truth… what did you really think?”

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They both came back with REAL rave reviews.

Ok, Ok.. let’s do this!

I got ahold of the company and decided that the BEST time for me to try the cleanse was after I returned from Chicago, it would be my last weekend of travel after 3 months on the road. A really good time to detox!!

I chose the TROPICAL 3-Day Cleanse, because I saw that pineapple juice was in it… and… well…. pineapple juice.

So, since it arrived pretty early in the morning, I decided to start right then!

I busted open my first juice… and….down the hatch!!

Mmmm!! Not bad! It was green, but it didn’t “taste green” if you know what I mean?

I stacked all the drinks in number order in my fridge and I was really excited to do this!

I did get a little hungry, but there were 6 juices a day, so I never really felt deprived.

The morning of Day 2, I felt a little achy. I did read that there might be detox-like symptoms; headache, fatigue, etc.

It was to be expected. The hunger wasn’t too big of an issue and I really did enjoy each of the drinks. In fact, I was really looking forward to trying each one, so I kept looking at my clock to see if it was time yet!

Unfortunately, on Day 2…. I got into a car accident on the way home from a hair appointment.
ugh!!! Needless to say, I cried and went to bed skipping the last two juices.

(Note: everyone was ok. My car, the other guys car, ego and bank account were the most hurt)


Day 3 I woke up a little hungrier (from skipping a few hundred calories) and had to make some calls to insurance.

I ended up going to get my car looked at and had to drop it off for repairs, pick up a rental, etc.
That ended up taking over 6 hours… and, did I bring my juice?

I ended up eating a meal out because I knew I wasn’t going to be home anytime soon.

I felt like I failed, for not doing the cleanse “right”

The good news was… I had some drinks left over for Day 4!!

I realized how much I was really looking forward to my daily juices and I was definitely starting to feel better!

I definitely WILL do this cleanse again and I can see the benefit of having 1-2 juices a day just to add to your daily routine.
I love the convenience of having the juices made and shipped to you (it would be a TON of work, to try this by juicing your own!!)

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day


I loved this cleanse. I do NOT recommend getting into a car accident while you’re attempting to cleanse. (I also don’t recommend it at any time.. it’s really a bummer)
I will most likely do a FULL 3-Day cleanse once a quarter and also try and get some of these juices going in my daily or at least monthly routine. I think I’m addicted!

*All reviews posted on my blog feature my own views and opinions. There are instances when I have reviewed or featured a product and I have received compensation in the form of product for my personal use or for use in a giveaway, discounts toward purchase for my followers, monetary compensation, or any combination of those three things. I never accept payment for favorable reviews.


Routine Refresh Indoor Edition


I’m in New York City all week at the weather has been pretty amazing, however, I packed ready for the worst! I totally planned on freezing my tush off outside and trying a few indoor classes for a workout.

Indoor cycling or SPIN are one of my favorite indoor workouts. I love classes in New York like Soul Cycle and Fly Wheel Sports that make spin classes a little more fun and competitive.

My friend Rebekah (Bexlife) and I took a Flywheel class put on by the Biggest Loser Trainer, Brett Hoebel.


Then I headed to Boston for a Blogilates meet up! Blogilates is a company owned by my good friend Cassey Ho.

She had over 450 raging fans waiting to take her POP pilates class. It was intense and FUN. I sweated and I also met a fellow ex-gymnast and we finished off with some handstands 😉 Always a great shoulder exercise!



I also have a friend, Erin Stutland, who happens to be on of my AMZING, beautiful guests at Inspiration and Perspiration this year and she teaches a class called Shrink Session.

Shrink Session is something you just have to experience!


I can tell you the basis is that it is a cardio dance class with affirmations, but that makes it sound kind of weird, and it is super amazing and you leave feeling like you’re on top of the world!


So what are your favorite indoor activities? What can you do to refresh your routine for the season? I’d love to see your comments!!

adidas Women designs innovative performance products to help women commit to their best self and conquer their fitness goals. We inspire women to look and feel their best – be pretty, be tough & be confident.


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by adidas via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are all mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of adidas

How to Cure Anxiety for good. An interview with Trudy Scott


I haven’t mentioned too often, that I used to suffer with SEVERE anxiety and depression.

I had been on all kinds of medications and I thought I would be on a life time of pills.

I used to have panic attacks so bad at night that I was even afraid to go to sleep!

I would drive around in my truck until I was so tired, that I would fall asleep in a parking lot.
It was bad!

I was so happy to have the honor of interviewing Trudy Scott, the author of The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution. If you have ever suffered from minor anxiousness to full blown panic attacks, you’ll want to hear of some of her easy tips and DEFINITELY get a copy of this book for yourself! It’s a step-by-step guide, to figuring this all out with, simply, food.

Check it out, leave a comment below and you’ll have a chance to WIN one of five signed copies!

Get your freebies from Trudy

  • 9 Great Questions Women Ask About Food, Mood and their Health
  • 5 Simple Steps to Reduce Anxiety Now
  • Is gluten one of the foods affecting your mood and anxiety levels?
  • Organic foods, Stanford study, pesticides and the brain
 You’ll also be signed up for her fabulous ezine “Food, Mood and Gal Stuff”


Back-to-School September Challenge

Back-to-School Challenge

Remember back in the day (maybe 4th grade-ish) the Presidential Fitness Tests? (or similar fitness testing?)

Well… its Back-to-School Time —time to do it again! Lets establish a baseline!

Here’s the Challenge: 


Only 3 tests:

1. Walk/jog/run 1 mile for time: You can do this on a track or treadmill. Just do your best!
2. Sit-ups for 1 minute: Lock your feet down (or have a partner hold them) then cross your arms over your chest and go!! (elbows must touch your knees to count)
3. Push-ups to Failure: Do as many push-ups as you can (with good form) you may do them on your knees. As soon as you “come down” thats it!

The main goal is to TRY! Do your best! Then for the next 4 weeks, lets work on that fitness level and we’ll test again! Can’t wait to see the results!! READY… SET… GO!!




3. Work your ass off for a month— (incorporate the exercises during the week!)

—— Mondays: Do 3 sets of 30 sit-ups at the end of your workout

——-Wednesdays: Walk/Jog 1.5 miles as warm-up for cardio

——-Fridays: Do 3 sets of 15-25 push-ups

4. Record Scores Again October 26-30th


Routine Refresh: Outdoor Edition


If you are on my email list, you know that I just sent an email last week about how I cancelled my gym membership.
This doesn’t mean that I have completely given up training or thrown in the towel, but I need to get a little more creative. I realized that in Texas, the weather is the fall is PERFECT for some new outdoor activities, so I was inspired by adidas Women to write a post about a Routine REFRESH: Taking it outside!! Nothing like a few new pieces of workout gear to get your wanting to move it again!IMG_20130901_103311

Texas doesn’t have a whole lot of mountains, but I did find a hiking trail which was pretty flat but had some beautiful scenery. A nice trail run and a snake.. OMG!! I think I’ll continue the trail runs, but I’m going to carry a stick with me, in case I need a spear next time!

Besides jogging, which to me, gets a little tedious, I’ve been toying with other ideas for cardio. Tennis is a sport I have NEVER played, but my husband and I thought it would be fun to play FIVE YEARS AGO when we bought rackets for Christmas. Needless to say, they sat in the closet… until now!!
We live in a new place with a tennis court and its been too hot this summer to play. The weather has finally gotten cooler so we took ourselves outside and had a blast.IMG_20130902_203024

Who knew tennis was so great for your abs?? (From laughing so hard!!)

I have also found, that living in apartment has more than just the tennis court perks. We have a lovely swimming pool that I have been doing laps in about 3 days a week. I’m a terrible swimmer, but just being out in the sun makes me feel pretty alive! Especially working from home these days, I think this is JUST what I needed.

Then.. when all else fails, I have me, my shoes, and some stairs. I am starting with 50 laps and my goal will be to do 100 laps by the end of the month!!IMG_20130903_120030

So what are your favorite outdoor activities? What can you do to refresh your routine and maybe take it outside? I’d love to see your comments!!

adidas Women designs innovative performance products to help women commit to their best self and conquer their fitness goals. We inspire women to look and feel their best – be pretty, be tough & be confident.



Disclosure: Compensation was provided by adidas via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are all mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of adidas

Ambassador Spotlight: Brooklyn Fit Chick

Me on Fear

My next ambassador spotlight is Margo, the writer and brains behind Brooklyn Fit Chick!! I will be honest,  often I just want to call her “Brooklyn” and I’m sure she gets that a lot! A really cool thing about Margo, is that I actually WENT to New York City in June and she totally helped me find my way around Brooklyn and the city and I was so intrigued with her city life! Margo has some cute kitties, lives in a cool New York neighborhood and is one of the sweetest, coolest people you’ll ever meet… and she has lots of stories of celebs she has worked with over the years!

Me on Fear

My name is Margo and this here is my very own Blog ( I like to write about fitness, health, Paleo living, music and pop culture. Brooklyn is where I both live and work with my certifications in Group Fitness and Personal Training from NASM, AFAA, ACE and TRX. I am an ambassador for Fit Approach/Sweat Pink, Fit Mapped and Sweaty Betties. You can also find me was a writer for Fit Bottomed Girls

I got into fitness a little over 11 years ago when I quit smoking for good. (I was a two-pack a day smoker for a while there. Gross!) It’s not easy to give a bad habit for a good one (bad habits can feel more fun sometimes) but I know I am adding years to my life and will be around a little longer with those who love me.

When I am not working, cycling, reading, listening to music, shopping, cooking or attempting a power chord on my dusty guitar–you can find me catching up on my favorite shows on my DVR.  I am a big fan of furry creatures with two kitty cats (Sarah & Tennessee.)

In my “day job” I work as a PR/Marketing consultant and have worked with everyone from Queen Latifah to Elmo (before we knew about Elmo…)

Margo Headshot2

Follow me on twitter




I earned my degree in Speech-Communications from San Jose State University.

Fitness Hag vs. The Fashion Police


If you have been following me for a bit, you may have heard me recently whining about my complete lack of style and clothing.
You see, while working in fitness has been amazing in the fact that I have been able to wear yoga pants every day for the past 8+ years, its not that great when I am invited to events, networking, etc. and I look like a complete #fitnesshag (that’s a little hashtag my friend, Rebekah “Bexlife” and I say to each other.. LOL)

I recently did a trade with a woman to take me shopping, because honestly… I’m THAT clueless. Do you ever feel like society tells us:
“women LOVE shopping and fashion!”
Well… not this woman!! I hate shopping and fashion perplexes me!
Linda Thomas, owner of A Powerful Appearance, came to my house, looked in my closet to see what we could piece together and stated the obvious:
“You really don’t have anything”
Linda and I scheduled an appointment to go shopping at Nordstroms. The first thing she did was teach me how to figure out my size (I had a quick cry in the dressing room over a number… such a girl!)
Then we got to picking out clothes! I got a few dresses for speaking engagements and events, but they were a little pricey, so I took most of them back!! (do you do this?!?! Nordstrom prices just aren’t my thing!!)
Then…someone on Facebook posted about this website called STITCHFIX and I’m OBSESSED!!
The dress pictured above is from there:) So, now you know!!
So, here’s how it works:You create a profile, with your size, and then you click on things you like/don’t like or would/wouldn’t wear…. THEN your own personal stylist sends you outfits and you get to try them on in your own home!! (no more dressing room break downs!!) and send back what you don’t like!!OMG!! It’s so fun!!(My husband also loved the private fashion show)
They send you 5 different things and you only pay for what you keep then send the rest back in a pre-paid bag.
It’s so easy and fun! After you get your “fix” you respond with what you liked and didn’t like about each piece: size, price, style, etc. so that your stylist gets to know you and picks out something better each time!
I ended up getting so excited about this idea, I bought Bex (my #fitnesshag sister) a gift card for her birthday so we can be new fancy fitness business women together in the “real world”.
I know some of you asked about where I got this dress, so there it is!
If you want to get your “fix” you can use my affiliate link: and share with your friends for your own link to get a credit towards more clothes.I scheduled my next “fix” for September, so I can look forward to an outfit once every other month or so and slowly build up my “Big girl” wardrobe. Let me know if you do this or if you know of something else like it!
Stitchfix did not pay or endorse me for this post, in fact, they don’t even know that I am a raving fan, so I think I’m going to email them and tell them! Ha! All opinions expressed are that of my own. The links above are affiliate links and I may receive a small credit if a purchase is made. You are also able to sign up as an affiliate if you love them like I do.

Ambassador Spotlight: Life As the Fat Friend Blog


Life as the Fat Friend

What a great title, no? It brings many images and I’m sure many can relate.
I was never “the fat friend” and yet I have so much empathy and I was intrigued by this blog.
Deanna is the amazing creator of this brand, and she gives encouragement and talks openly and honestly about her struggles of the journey she is still on.
Deanna has lost 84 lbs. to date, and I’ll be honest, even if she had 184 lbs. more to go, I’d still have her as a Sweaty Betties Ambassador!


I told my team:  I didn’t ask for a picture. I didn’t ask for your weight. I asked for STORIES.
What matters to me is that Deanna has an amazing story. She hasn’t always had the perfect life and she still struggles and she’s REAL. She’s relatable, she’s funny, she’s sarcastic at times, insanely creative and smart. Deanna's Kiddos

She is on a journey that many women struggle with in her weight-loss, she is open about her health, her kids, her family and yet she changes her attitude to make the most of it daily.

Deanna also runs an awesome business as an Origami Owl Consultant, where she helps design beautiful and personal lockets. They are great as gifts for new moms, remembering the loss of someone, graduation gifts, friendship gifts and more!

Best Things in Life Workout




Here is a great workout sure to make you sweat– and remember– tag @SweatyBetties on Instagram or on Facebook with #SBSweatYourself and you’ll get free stickers!! yay!
Then make sure to SHARE and PIN the workouts!
