Kettlebells and Jumps–SBW #3

This workout is a little shorter but doesn’t mean its easy!

You can add more time by adding a few exercises like crunches to each round, or add sprints at the beginning or end… or just leave it as is and use it for when you need a quick in/out routine for the day!

Here’s the routine:

7 Rounds of 7

Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (SDHP)*
Box Jumps/ Tuck Jumps
Kettlebell Swings**

* recommended weight for SDHP 20-55 lbs.
**recommended weight for KB Swings 15-35 lbs.

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  1. Finished in 8:35 – my triceps were still sore from Workout #1 earlier this week, whew! Keep ’em coming…really appreciate the great workouts!

  2. Michelle says:

    Thanks for home options. Enjoy the ‘short & sweet’ workouts. Keep em coming.

  3. Martha C. says:

    Thank you so much for all these cool workouts!! I have two kids: 2 year old and a 6 month old so all these short (but tough) workouts are awesome!!

  4. Hey girl… how are you? You look fabulous and this workout is fun and cool. I enjoy your blog and website. Always good to see you doing well! You are awesome! Vanessa


  1. […] workouts! You will need a Kettlebell or 15-35 lb. Dumbbell for this workout, please refer to SB workout #3 to make your own kettlebell Share this:FacebookTwitterPrintEmailMoreRedditLinkedInStumbleUponDigg […]

  2. 10 Best Kettebell Workouts / Bulu Box Blog | Bulu Box says:

    […] and Jumps Workout via The Sweaty Betties Not a lot of time to workout? No problem. This workout incorporates 4 different moves that you'll […]