Splenda Interview with Expert Michelle LeSueur

If you have been following along with the August Challenge– we are 2 weeks in on NO SPLENDA, NO SUGARS, NO ARTIFICIAL SUGARS for all of August… wow!

We started with the challenge, because I saw a picture of Bo Shin who posted some incredible results by taking out Splenda. She did an interview last week and we asked her if the pics were photoshopped and if she changed her workout routine as well—-> you can see Bo’s Interview here

I can see the difference in Bo’s pictures, but I wanted to know:

“Why is splenda so bad?”

“What does it really do?” and

“What ARE the best options for sweeteners?”

I decided to call and ask a friend and expert on this: Michelle LeSueur: Energetic Practitioner and Nutritionist

Michelle works with many, many individuals with weight and gut issues, allergies, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases. I know she’s an avid reader and educates herself incessantly. She has a pretty incredible personal story and I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say!

Check it out– and all of the links to find more from Michelle are below:

Michelle’s Facebook Fan Page

Michelle’s “Healing Your Gut” Webinar

email: [email protected]


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  1. Thanks so much! I have always stayed away from artificial sweeteners, I don’t like the taste and always thought they were worse for you than regular sugar. I have cut way back on my (and my family’s!) sugar intake lately, and I have just been using mostly honey, dates, and pure maple syrup to sweeten things. I was wondering about the maple syrup though, where it falls in the good/bad spectrum. I am sure it has been processed some, but there is nothing added to it, so is it about the same as honey or worse? Anyone know?

  2. My family and I had started to cut back on these sugars and substitutes but this was super informative. I don’t know if I can cut out my Amazing Grass Green Superfood Drink that contains a little Stevia though. I wonder if they sell it without.

    Thank you!

  3. Sandi Buchanan says:

    I enjoyed this interview. Great Challenge…going deeper into the gut of things and inspiring me personally to take a look at the simple and severe nature of sugar. This challenge when taken to a true deeper level will surely make such a difference on your health. I just checked the ingredients again on the bran flakes purchased and there is high fructose corn syrup. Just a reminder that these sugars are seriously planted in almost all commerical foods…this will be tough on the shopping, easy on the digestive tract! Great job ladies! Be Blessed! Now for the Challenge…Passing this Challenge onto My Clients!

  4. So glad to have been able to watch this. Very good information. Thanks for sharing and caring enough to get the real info!

  5. Hello everyone. For the last year my got or intestines have been very irritated and swollen and i eat very healthy foods and stay away from red meat as much as possible and in fact I run about 5 miles a day as well as bike ride at least 40 miles a week and yet I was experiencing a great deal of trouble with my intestines, they were extremely swollen like if I eat a watermelon and yet I didn’t eat nothing but perhaps some fruit, so I went over my diet and I changed one thing this past year, somebody introduced me to splenda and soda with other artificial sweeteners and I thought that was great, no calories, no shame no worry and then I realized it had to be the splenda and soda that I was consuming within the last year and so I stopped consuming any artificial sweeteners altogether, and a last three weeks I have noticed the swollen went down greatly and I’m feeling much better, however I had no idea that artificial sugars could cause unhealthy bacteria growth and I greatly appreciated the educational video that even enlighten me more….. And just want to say thank you for taking the time to educate not only myself but all others.

  6. What protein powders do people recommend that don’t have artificial sweeteners?

    • thats a good question.. most of them do—> you can try Egg Whites International, its liquid egg whites which you can mix w fruit or juice to make it have a flavor, it doesn’t taste like anything on its own…
      and maybe Sun Warrior Protein??


  1. Splenda – Saint or Sinner? « Just The Fat Kid says:

    […] http://thesweatybetties.com/splenda-interview-with-expert-michelle-lesueur/ help me tell the world:ShareShare on TumblrDiggLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

  2. What I’m reading this week « heather:confidential says:

    […] Splenda Interview with Expert Michelle LeSeur by Sweaty Betties […]

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