Splenda Challenge Interview with Bo Shin

OK here it is! I promised I would ask Bo about these pictures that she posted of her 4 weeks without splenda–

— did she do any extra cardio or workouts?

— what did she use as a sugar/splenda substitute?

–did she photoshop the picture?

After talking with her, it gave me a new motivation to get through the first week and keep pushing past the cravings!

Later on this week, I will post an interview with an expert on WHY these “fake sugars” are so bad for you and what do they do?
you can find Bo on her FACEBOOK PAGE

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  1. rachelle says:

    loved all the tips that Bo had to share! i didnt think it was photoshopped;) thats just commitment and discipline. I’m not sure if I could cut it out..but i definitely will not have it before my next competition! Hopefully some time in the near future though I can try that challenge : ) thanks sweaty betties !

  2. Amy Gray says:

    Great interview! Her results were so incredible — what an inspriation! I use a lot of stevia…now I’ll have to think about cutting that out, too. I’ve noticed a lot of bloating after I have my homemade protein bars in the afternoon – I wonder now if its because of the stevia?

  3. Hi – thanks for posting this. So informative. Do you know if in that month she was still eating naturally occurring sugars (like in a piece of fruit)?

  4. This stresses me out!! Ahhhhh .. I switched from Splenda to Stevia/Truvia probably at least a year ago. I feel like every time I turn around some thing that claims to e a better choice turns out to be worse. I wouldn’t say I use a TON of stevia, less than 1/2 cup a day i guess but I put a packet or 2 in my green tea 1 or 2 times a day, same for oatmeal, Greek yogurt, protein pancakes and it’s in my protein shakes… I can’t wait to see what the expert says.

  5. Brittany says:

    This was great, I never thought the photos were fake, but it was great to get even more insight. I have been cutting out refined sugars and with all the substitutes out there it is nice to know that your best choices are probably just honey and pure maple syrup.

  6. Starting today!! Just found out about it, and it is necessary. Addicted :/


  1. […] Maybe you weren’t there that day, but it sparked over 100 comments and a lot of accusations that it was photoshopped. Well, I actually KNOW this girl. Her name is Bo Shin and we’ve been friends for 3 years. I know she has no agenda or reason to photoshop this pic, but I figured, “What the hell, why don’t I (and all of us) just try this ourselves?” (you can see her interview where I ask if this is photoshopped?) […]

  2. […] We started with the challenge, because I saw a picture of Bo Shin who posted some incredible results by taking out Splenda. She did an interview last week and we asked her if the pics were photoshopped and if she changed her workout routine as well—-> you can see Bo’s Interview here […]

  3. Bodybuilding Cheesecake | Dr. Sara Solomon says:

    […] Yes, I do episodically consume stevia and Splenda. Remember: everything in moderation: even moderation in moderation!  For an eyebrow-raising discussion on sweeteners, be sure to watch the Sweaty Betties’ Splenda Challenge Interview with Bo Shin. […]

  4. […] told myself “don’t be a bitch” and had to recommit on Day 7. After I had my interview with Bo Shin and my interview with Michelle LeSueur about what happens to the body, it definitely made me want […]

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