How to use a foam roller

Foam Rollers are a great form of Self-Myofascial Release.

You may see many in the gym, white, blue, grey, bumpy ones, smooth ones and people rolling around like its fun

(I’m telling you, its not! LOL)

Foam rolling helps relieve muscle soreness and tension, loosens knots, allivates IT Band syndrome and helps with full range of motion and increasing mobility.
Its one of those love/hate things. I’ll be honest… its hard to “not be a bitch” when I’m lying on one… I whine, cry and all but curse my mother.

But afterward… wow! I’m a new woman!
Here are a few techniques I use and teach my clients for IT band, inner thighs, upper back, traps, lats and even feet for plantar fascitis.

The foam roller I use in this video is from The Pro Unit
*I am not a paid affiliate for The Pro Unit

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  1. Tuesday Check-In: Cute letters and not enough sleep | A Little Bit Of Lisa says:

    […] maybe… ❤ Never heard of a foam roller? You should have. Wanna know how to use one? Watch this awesome video from The Sweaty Betties. ❤ Good read from Beauty Redefined: Weight, size and media lies. ❤ Check out Tammy’s […]