How can you use technology and apps to reach your fitness goals

Everyone these days is looking for the latest and greatest technology. New iphones, smaller televisions, fancy headphones and on and on.

Mobile has virtually taken over computers and laptops and there seems to be an app for everything! Whether you’re trying to lose weight, train for a marathon or a 5k, bulking up or just find accountability and optimize your sleep and health… THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!!
When you are trying to reach a goal, if you don’t know where you’re starting and you aren’t tracking, you don’t know where you’re going or if what you’re doing is really working.
There are lots of new gadgets to put on your body that track your calorie expenditure, map where you are running and even give you a workout to do if you aren’t creative! Here are a few really popular apps and gadgets that can help you TRACK and reach your goals faster!

Check out some of the coolest ones here on my guest post! 

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  1. When I had my iPhone I love Gymbuddy. I allowed me to put in my workout and keep track of how much weight I was pushing. Now that I have a Samsung I use Gymprovise along with a Polar FT4 watch with heart rate monitor. This app helps me with keeping my days and workouts straight and i monitor my calories burned and heart rate by my watch

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