Full Body Blaster – SB Workout #19

This is what my husband and I always call “our” 20 minute workout.
We made this one up a few years back, and whenever we want to do a quick, intense workout, or just something different for cardio, we fall back on this routine.
We both haven’t worked out doing this kind of thing in awhile and we haven’t worked out with EACH OTHER in… well..

MONTHS. If not, over a year. So, we decided to do “our” workout, but instead of doing AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
we decided to just do 3 rounds, however long that would take, with as many breaks as we needed.
WHOA! I don’t remember it being so hard! I guess it really has been a long time!!

I’m not sure how long it took us to complete 3 rounds, but the rests were minimal. Basically didn’t rest until the end of each time through. My buns are killing me already, my quads and calves are feeling it… well.. just about everything is.
Here’s the routine and the weights I used are listed below:


Full Body Blast Workout

- For Kettlebells- I used 25 lbs. Husband used 35 lbs

-Push-ups, I ended up dropping to my knees and did about 20 each time, Hubby did 20-35

-Mountain Climbers– count right & left as ONE

- Body Rows- I eeked out 15 each time on a TRX

-Step- ups I did on a 20′ Plyo Box Hubby used a 24″ box— no weight

-Push-Press I used 20 lb dumbbells and a 40 lb Barbell (a lady stole my DB’s halfway through) Hubby used 35 lb DB’s

- Jump Lunges 12 on each leg. The goal was to do all 24 in a row… never happened.. ha! two sets of 12 for me!!
Tell me how you do!

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  1. giggilinshelle says:

    So excited to give this a try this evening with my workout partner! Only question I have though, is if there is an alternative to the Body rows as we may not have access to any sort of equipment to perform this one.

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. giggilinshelle says:

    Thank you. Doing this at a gym, but not sure there would be “room” at the equip to allow both of us to do this. If so, we will do them, if not, will do the regular rows. :) Thank you!

  3. Mike Keenan says:

    Great ideas!

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