December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge!

Alrighty Betties and Buddies (?) are you ready for the December Challenge?!
We understand that a lot of people started the Burpee Challenge later and are still working on their 50 Burpees a Day for 50 Days. WE are also going to be traveling a LOT this month, so we wanted to make this a little “easier” but it will only be easier for about 2 weeks… LOL

This is the Push-Up Challenge:

You will do 1 push-up on Dec. 1st..
2 Push-ups on Dec. 2nd..
and so on, until you do 31 consecutive push-ups by the end of the month.


The goal is to be able to do ALL of them in a row, but just do what you can and get the reps in! If you are still doing burpees, it won’t be so bad at least til about day 15+ but we know our Betties are BadAss and you can handle it!!

On this challenge feel free to post some “Push-Up Christmas Videos”!! We want to see you doing those push-ups in your presents and wrapping paper, or under your trees!! Lets see em’ and post to our FB Page as “SweatyBetties Push-Up Challenge!”

**PS If you are a guy(or gal) who really wants to be cool, you can double the push-ups (2 a day– by the end you’ll do 62)**


Let’s DO this!!

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  1. totally in! I at least know I can do days 1-5! ;)

  2. Faith Keith says:

    Y’all are infectious! Love this!!! I’m all in.

  3. Janine @ThePurpleGiraffe says:

    I’m in! :) This sounds great!

  4. I’m in! Can i do half a push up now and the other half later?

  5. Haley @ Climb Run Lift Mom says:

    Awesome :) Love me some push ups! I was thinking about being bad ass and doubling them up, but I already got myself into a kettlebell challenge so I don’t want to die, lol. We will see…

  6. Melanie Nicholas says:

    Im in, ok just did my first one, cant wait till tomorrow

  7. I’m so in! This will help to get back in shape and to keep moving during the month of December!

  8. arbed lhad says:

    i can do it! i can do it!

    dunno how LONG i can do it for but it’ll be a surprise to everyone… including me! LOL!

  9. Anna Kincade says:

    I missed the burpee challenge but I’m in on this one. This gal may have to drop to the knees but I’ll get them done!

  10. Count me in! I actually did 14 today as a part of todays workout!

  11. Rebekah Storey says:

    I did my one today :D

  12. Brittany Fae says:

    Well shoot, I already know I can do 50 in a row. Guess I’ll be doubling on this one. Good luck to everyone else!

  13. Starting right now :)

  14. Patricia Schmeykal says:

    saw you on bodyrock in facebook. would like joining too.

    i’m from germany and try to gain more strength and fitness and daily motion.

  15. Randijane says:

    I’m game ladies. Lets do the damn thing

  16. 10 push-ups done for the day for me, I decided to double up on them! :) Awesome challenge, I like this one better than the burpee one though I’m still burpee-ing along with that!

  17. I am in :) and making my 10 yr old daughter and 8 yr old son join me! Except I probably won’t make my son double up!!!

    Just starting a new workout program and need the fun and motivation. The Sweaty Betties are so fun to watch and follow… Thank you!!

  18. SweetHoneybee says:

    Crud! I just found this website & I’m 5 DAYS BEHIND ladies!! Oh well…guess I’ll get to it quickly…count me in! :)

  19. Count me in! I am just joining today but I will catch up. will start with 1, 2, 3 then 4 and go up to 7. This is a wonderful challenge. It is like my fitness advent calendar! :D Thank you – sweet Sweaty Betties!

  20. Love It Love It Love It….Bring it on ladies…always up for a good challenge. :)

  21. I’m in – I’m already at 15, so I’m right on schedule :D


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