“AB”solutely Sweaty ab routine!

ABsolutely Sweaty Abs

Will this workout get rid of your pooch… nope.

Sorry, I gotta keep it real– clean up that diet, get rid of that shit..

BUT this routine is going to tighten and tone those abs, so they will lie flat and firm and you can stand tall and feel amazing!
Try this workout alone or just add the abs to the end of your lifting day, either way, you’re sure to feel it tomorrow!

Metabolism & Adrenal Fatigue Update

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If you are completely lost watch my first video– Metabolic Damage and Why I’m Pissed off and then check out the follow-up : Metabolic Damage Follow-Up and Resources.

These are a series of videos to serve as a tool to help others through the mess that I’ve been going through for over 20 months. I am as truthful and honest as I can be about the reality of metabolic damage and that there’s no “dieting your way out” Its a complex issue that can’t be fixed by changing ONE thing.

I will continue to blog about this issue as new progress is made and as long as I continue getting emails and questions from you guys:)

Short Intense at-home workout in 15 mins or less– SBW#4

Sweaty Betties Workout #4

Here you go kids!
I had a few technical issues with the first video, so you will just get to see the sweaty aftermath:) This is a great short workout, can be used as cardio or you can add a 5th Round.

Kettlebells and Jumps–SBW #3

Sweaty Betties Workout #3

This workout is a little shorter but doesn’t mean its easy!

You can add more time by adding a few exercises like crunches to each round, or add sprints at the beginning or end… or just leave it as is and use it for when you need a quick in/out routine for the day!

Here’s the routine:

7 Rounds of 7

Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (SDHP)*
Box Jumps/ Tuck Jumps
Kettlebell Swings**

* recommended weight for SDHP 20-55 lbs.
**recommended weight for KB Swings 15-35 lbs.

August Challenge– Sweets N’ Sprints


OK y’all… remember THIS pic??

Maybe you weren’t there that day, but it sparked over 100 comments and a lot of accusations that it was photoshopped. Well, I actually KNOW this girl. Her name is Bo Shin and we’ve been friends for 3 years. I know she has no agenda or reason to photoshop this pic, but I figured, “What the hell, why don’t I (and all of us) just try this ourselves?” (you can see her interview where I ask if this is photoshopped?)

I personally used to use Splenda a TON>>>> like, I’d steal it from Starbucks (or wherever) to use at home because I didn’t want to pay for my habit (TRUE CONFESSION… SHAME)

Anywho…. I am known on occasion to order a 4 splenda non-fat latte and have also gotten into the bad habit of drinking crystal lights or a diet soda here and there because “Hey! Look Ma! No Calories!!”

OK OK this pic did it for me… I am going to STOP. Cold Turkey. Even SUGAR. I did it last year with gum, so I can do it again.. at least for a month, for the sake of an experiment. I took a pic this morning (sighhhh) and I encourage all of you to do the same! I WILL be interviewing Bo later this week, so keep an eye out for that. We’ll see what she did instead of Splenda, how much she usually used, and all the juicy details (mayyyybe she did photoshop?)


I’m not letting y’all off the hook without some exercise too! This month we’re going to work on sprints… RUN AS FAST AS THE WIND for 30 sec. on…. rest until you’re ready again, and repeat 5 times a day, 5 days a week.
Track your speed and progress throughout the month too!!
***Modification– for those who are unable to run, you can “sprint” on a bicycle, handcycle or elliptical too… just pedal “all out” for the same 30 seconds


I cannot WAIT to see who takes part in both of these challenges… no doubt, the top one is going to be hard for me, but I’m telling myself “Don’t be a b!tch” :)

Leave a comment if you’re on board!

Intense workout with Jump Rope- SBW#2

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Wow! So many of you did the first metabolic workout and posted your times, some of you even posted your videos… they were awesome!!

I think that these type of workouts will become a regular part of  The Sweaty Betties page. Whats not to love about a SHORT, high-intensity workout, that you can do at home, in a hotel or anywhere you want?

This one requires a jump rope– but if you had been doing the May Challenge, you will still have yours. It also requires a barbell, dumbbells, or something heavy you can press over head (use cans of soup if ya gotta!!)

OK… well here we go… Sweaty Betties (metabolic) Workout #2

Metabolic Workout #1


A metabolic workout is a HIGH INTENSITY workout designed to go through different movements, with little rest, often using large muscle groups and big compound movements or shuttling blood quickly from lower body to upper body.

Most metabolic workouts are short, intense and will give you a full body workout with a great “after-burn”– your metabolism will be up for hours afterward!

Here is an example of one to try today:



Air Squats


Falling Push-Ups

Start with 50 reps of air squats, followed quickly by 50 plank/straddles, followed by 50 falling push-ups. Without resting (too much) go on to 40 reps of each, and so on all the way down to 10 reps of each exercise. TIME IT! (#dontbeabitch)

What weight should I be lifting?

How heavy should I be lifting to tone?

When starting a weight-lifting program, often a the first questions or concerns are:



This video will help to answer those questions

(Don’t have a workout program? Download the Free 12-week program now)

Here is a cliff notes section of different rep ranges

Low Reps (1-5 reps) : Generally, exercising for low reps emphasizes muscular strength and neurological improvements.
In other words: Your gains are more strength than size or endurance.

Medium Reps (6-12 reps) : When you lift for medium reps, you get some strength, but not as much. Your body responds by increasing muscular size, primarily.
In other words: Your gains are more size and endurance than strength.

High Reps (13-20+ reps): When you lift for high reps, you get little strength, but more endurance. Each repetition doesn’t require that much strength, so your body doesn’t require better neurological efficiency or muscular size.
In other words: Your gains are more endurance than size or strength.

Come on! Don’t be a B!tch…My emails ROCK!

Sign-up and make sure you don’t miss out on the motivation, fun, and TRUTH about diets, nutrition & weight-loss, plus free stuff right away!

New Graphic

5 Tips to Regain your Motivation for Fitness


You workout the recommended 4-5 days a week. You do your cardio for 30 minutes religiously. You lift weights. You eat considerably healthy. Everything is great, your doctor brags about you to her other patients… but… you’re bored! You haven’t changed your routine in months (years), you have a name for “your” treadmill and you see all the same people at the gym everyday, to the point where you actually notice if someone is missing!

Here are a few ways to change things up, just for your own sanity!

1.   Try a new gym—a lot of gyms have numerous locations. Try to go somewhere just a little farther away; even if you do the same lifting routine, sometimes just being around a new crowd makes you want to work harder! Also, most gyms offer a week free pass, so you might want to try a new gym altogether!

2.   Workout with someone new—if you are used to working out alone, sometimes it’s nice to get a partner and follow what THEY do, even if they train for different goals. A new perspective and maybe some new moves might help get your motivation going

3.     Train at a different time—if you know the front desk girls’ name as well as her baby’s name and what her major is, maybe you need to meet the rest of the staff and gym goers! Try going much earlier or much later! Almost like going to a new gym, you may get amped up by seeing a new crowd.

4.     Sign up for a race or event—training for a race, a mud run, triathlon or some kind of event will get you training in different ways. It may also inspire you to get outside sometimes. We could all use a little fresh air for the soulJ

5.    Switch up your days—try a 3 or a 5-day split. Train on a weekend instead of one of your usual weeknights. Maybe you can do something with the family on Friday night instead of walking on the treadmill. Just a little jolt from the normal routine might be just what your body ordered.

Sometimes we are doing everything that we are supposed to be doing, but we just don’t have the same motivation or gusto anymore. We all get into habits and working out is a great habit, but if you aren’t enjoying it anymore, you may not be receiving all the benefits. Mix things up a little, and heck you might find your passion again!

July Challenge “Lunge for the Gold”


What is the #1 Exercise of trainers for toning thighs inside, outside and all around? LUNGES.


Lunge for the Gold

Besides the squat, lunges are a staple exercise that NO strength or toning program should be without. They are great for stability, strength, tone, and shape AND there are a ton of variations!

July will be a month of lunging for the gold– We want those sexy leg sweeps, tight tushes (yep, lunges hit the bum too!) and gorgeous gams to show off the rest of the summer!

Here is the Challenge–

(Add these to your workout routine or do them  4 days per week)

Week #1 (July 1- 7)

HIGH REP LUNGES –These are great for women who say their legs grow very easily, if you have a hard time with getting bigger thighs; do these anyway because they will help with stability and get ready for more progressive work

3 sets of 30 walking lunges 

Week #2 (July 8-14)

SIDE LUNGES- these are going to target inner and outer thighs—BAM!

3 sets of 20 side lunges EACH leg

Week #3 (July 15-21)

REVERSE LUNGE WITH WEIGHTS– this one will target that tush a little more, plus adding some weights will help increase muscle building

3 sets of 24 Reverse Lunges (12 each leg)

Week #4 (July 22-31)

JUMPING LUNGES-- these are a plyometric move (please make sure you’re comfortable with the past 3 weeks or stay on week #3) Jumping Lunges help increase power, get the heart rate up and help really condition the lower body

3 sets of 24 jump lunges (12 on each leg)

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