How to take proper progress pictures

How to take amazing progress photos

Not that there are any RULES, but this is the most effective way, I’ve found, when taking progress pictures of my clients and myself 😉

Please be kind, I tried to strip down to give you an idea, I felt very vulnerable

The LONGEST 15 minutes of your life– SBW#8

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Sweaty Betties Workout #8 is posted!
Make sure you subscribe to The Sweaty Betties Youtube Channel as I will have videos out every Tuesday and Thursday.
Tuesdays will be for workouts and Thursdays will be to answer your fitness/diet questions as well as a few *bonus* workouts!
You will need a Kettlebell or 15-35 lb. Dumbbell for this workout, please refer to SB workout #3 to make your own kettlebell

5 Burpees & 15 Kettlebell swings

BEGINNERS: 4 Burpees & 12 Kettlebell swings - Why are you doing so many burpees?! Because Danny-J said

How to PROPERLY take measurements and ditch your scale!


“I feel like my clothes are getting looser but the scale hasn’t budged! What gives?!”

As a trainer I’ve heard this many, many times! In fact, when you are “doing it right”; exercising while dieting, this may happen more often. Muscle tissue is more dense than fat and it takes up less space. So if you are gaining lean muscle (good) while at the same time losing fat (also good) you may not see the scale move (this is OK!!) but you ARE actually getting smaller!
Besides taking measurements, progress pictures are a GREAT way to track progress.
It’d hard for us to see the small incremental changes day-to-day and we might feel like we aren’t getting anywhere, but I guarantee, that quarter inch adds to another and another and soon we have inches and pant sizes lost!
So, if you don’t want to throw your scale out.. fine. BUT don’t let tha be your only measuring tool to track your progress.

Tabata Shoulder Blast- SBW#7

Tabata Shoulder Blast

Back on Track with the workouts! Make sure you subscribe to The Sweaty Betties youtube channel so you don’t miss any!

Today’s workout is a TABATA workout

Tabata training is generally 4 mins. of 4 exercises (16 mins) where you do each exercise for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You can actually do any number of rounds and time, but this is the basic idea. 

Today’s Tabata workout is SHOULDER INTENSE——> SHOULDER BLAST!

What you need:

  • a timer (you can download Tabata App, Workout Timer, or Boxing Timer)
  • two light- medium weights (3-8 lb. Dumbbells or soup cans)
  • one medium-heavier weight (kettlebell, dumbbell, jug of water (8-15 lbs)

Ass With Sass (Knee-Friendly Booty Workout)


Holla!! Ok I’m back in the swing of things, and before I post another Sweaty Betties Metabolic Workout, I wanted to do a GLUTE specific one because, after a 22 hour car ride… MINE needed it! I have a feeling a lot of you could use it too 😉

There are 6 exercises– done for 30-45 seconds each and you can repeat 3 times.
Do this at the end of your workout, or just add it any night while you’re watching your favorite shows

(twice a week is recommended)

Labor Day Workout!

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It’s your day off– but we still need to get a quick sweat—–>try this QUICK, no-equipment, Holiday Workout! DBAB!

Go through 1-5x depending on your level or ability or craziness 😉



Intense Leg at Home Workout- SBW#6

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I’m on a kick of 4 Rounds for time

**video below

Best Advice Ever

START DATE: Dec 10, 2009 163 lbs. END DATE: June 6, 2010 122 lbs.

I had to share this, as I couldn’t have said it better myself, its from an interview by one of my beautiful clients from 2011 and I just wanted to share:

Q. If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?

A. “Role models are wonderful and a great resource, but I believe that true, long lasting motivation is not something someone else can give you or you can “find”(now, where did I put that motivation again?). 

You have to make it happen, for yourself, on purpose. 

Don’t passively wait for it to come along. 

Take control.

You create your own motivation when you stop yourself from eating garbage when everyone else is or no one else is looking.

You create it when you take no excuses and hit the gym no matter what because champions don’t sleep through their workout.

You create it when you truly believe that you are an athlete and a winner, despite what everyone else says, thinks or does.

I think the biggest problems people have in getting started are in realizing that someone else isn’t going to do it for them and actually believing that they are worth the effort.”

START DATE: Dec 10, 2009 163 lbs. END DATE: June 6, 2010 122 lbs.


WOW. Powerful stuff. I saw this woman (who is a single-mother of a teen) gain control of her life, her health, ended up setting goals for herself (competing and running FULL marathons) and was truly inspired.
I always say, my clients truly inspire me and this is why.

If you’d like to read the rest of the article, you can find it here:

Sweaty Betties Workout #5- Brutal Metabolic Workout!

The most brutal so far!! Took me 22+ mins. (stopped time for a pee break– all that jumping!! LOL)

* Beginners start with 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

**Intermediate try 45, 35, 25, 15, 5

“AB”solutely Sweaty ab routine!

ABsolutely Sweaty Abs

Will this workout get rid of your pooch… nope.

Sorry, I gotta keep it real– clean up that diet, get rid of that shit..

BUT this routine is going to tighten and tone those abs, so they will lie flat and firm and you can stand tall and feel amazing!
Try this workout alone or just add the abs to the end of your lifting day, either way, you’re sure to feel it tomorrow!