How to take proper progress pictures

How to take amazing progress photos

Not that there are any RULES, but this is the most effective way, I’ve found, when taking progress pictures of my clients and myself ;)

Please be kind, I tried to strip down to give you an idea, I felt very vulnerable

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Splenda Challenge Results


August was a month to ditch all our added sweeteners (splenda, sweet n’ low, sugar, equal, ALL OF IT)

 “I have been off equal for a month and my stomach problems are less and my sugar craving has decreased!!” -Dawnie

This was an attempt to see if we would notice a difference either physically on the outside (smaller tummy?) or even on the inside (less cravings? anxiety? etc.) I have a bunch of  YOUR quotes throughout with some amazing testimonials!

“a while back, during a routine doctors’ visit, I was told that my liver was inflamed (I found out it was because of all the Splenda I was consuming.  That is the only toxic thing I was putting in my system).  I went for a follow up a week ago, and everything came back normal!
Thank you again so much for putting this challenge up.  It made it easier to stop.” -Anonymous

I have to say, the first 3 days were definitely the hardest for me, in fact, so much so that I caved on Day 4 and Day 6 with my four splenda latte… then I finally told myself “don’t be a bitch” and had to recommit on Day 7. After I had my interview with Bo Shin and my interview with Michelle LeSueur about what happens to the body, it definitely made me want to start over and get serious!
I actually got a new phone this month so I lost my “before” picture and I’m honestly not sure if there would be much of a difference, visibly, HOWEVER, I have noticed a few major changes:

#1. Cravings– wow! they were awful at first…. and now.. hardly there! In fact, I actually hadn’t really noticed until I started realizing it was the end of the month and there was a LARGE bag of peanut butter M&M’s lying on the counter and I hadn’t so much as THOUGHT about eating any! (this is NOT like me!)

#2. Self-Awareness– This challenge made me VERY aware of how often I would mindlessly eat (like dum-dums at the bank) candies or drink diet soda or how often I actually was buying lattes.

#3. Label Awareness– For the most part, I thought I was pretty good at picking out natural things, but then, I was shocked at the sweeteners added in my yogurts, my salad dressings, my sauces… bummer! I definitely became much more aware of the little things here and there that added up.

 “I did and lost a couple pounds but more importantly my chronic stomach pains went from daily to only a few days out of the month! My skin is clear and my cravings for. Sweets has declined exponentially!”– Jessica

I would LOVE to do this challenge again, because, in all honesty, there were some days I had yogurt with added sugar and I ate some chinese food with teriyaki sauce, etc.

Halfway through the month, I found the 21-day-Sugar-Detox and I think I’d like to try it again and do ZERO sugar/sweetener. I feel much more “free” (if that makes sense?) without cravings. I find my thoughts revolve less around food and its nice. The beginning is definitely the hardest, but it only confirms my thoughts, that if its THAT hard to give up, it can’t be good for you!

“I DID IT!. but I am sooo happy that I did! I would have to say that I did not use sweeteners as a norm before, so my challenge was no products with any type of “sugar/sweetener” in them. Only fruits were allowed. It brought a HUGE awareness to how almost every “healthy” product that I had been purchasing, from peanut butter, rice cakes, and rice had sugar in them! I did not loose any major weight, maybe a couple pounds, but I do feel a sense of knowledge has been gained and will forever be conscious of my sugar intake! I will be forever healthier as a result of this challenge. Thank you Sweaty Betties!!!”-Christine


Workshop News!!

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Workshop Update!!

We have some great news!! Early-Bird Discounts have been extended until Sept 10th

AND we are giving huge discounts to groups of 2 or more!

All the more reason to grab a friend!


Ladies— you will not be able to see these women (Me, Bex and Angie) individually for ONE hour for these prices, let alone TWO DAYS worth and with so much access to speak with us personally… it will be BEYOND worth it!

If you NEED to be there.. MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Sell some shit you don’t need on e-bay, skip your hair dresser this month, Don’t Be a B!tch and just do it! We want YOU to start making changes NOW! 

Watch the video and GET TO WORK!! We cannot wait to meet you!!


I need your vote!

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OK, if you’ve been on Facebook, Twitter, or opened your emails, this may not be news but…

I’m writing with some really exciting news… Last week, I entered a contest hosted by entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown called “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive”–and I just found out  that Ali chose me as one of her TOP 10 finalists!

If I win this contest, I’ll not only be named “Thriving Entrepreneur of 2012″, but I’ll also have the opportunity to win HUGE exposure for my The Sweaty Betties, and the chance to meet with Ali for a half-day business consultation. (If you haven’t already heard of Ali, she’s the real deal, listed as one of Forbes’ “Women to Watch”, appearing on Fox Business Network, taking her company to the Inc. 500 list, and more.)

And here is where I’d love YOUR support. Right now, you can vote for me to help me win the contest! Just go to this link, and follow the instructions to submit your vote: 


Just hurry, because the last day to submit your vote for me is TUESDAY, August 28, 2012 at midnight. I’d really appreciate it! :)


Best Advice Ever

START DATE: Dec 10, 2009 163 lbs. END DATE: June 6, 2010 122 lbs.

I had to share this, as I couldn’t have said it better myself, its from an interview by one of my beautiful clients from 2011 and I just wanted to share:

Q. If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?

A. “Role models are wonderful and a great resource, but I believe that true, long lasting motivation is not something someone else can give you or you can “find”(now, where did I put that motivation again?). 

You have to make it happen, for yourself, on purpose. 

Don’t passively wait for it to come along. 

Take control.

You create your own motivation when you stop yourself from eating garbage when everyone else is or no one else is looking.

You create it when you take no excuses and hit the gym no matter what because champions don’t sleep through their workout.

You create it when you truly believe that you are an athlete and a winner, despite what everyone else says, thinks or does.

I think the biggest problems people have in getting started are in realizing that someone else isn’t going to do it for them and actually believing that they are worth the effort.”

START DATE: Dec 10, 2009 163 lbs. END DATE: June 6, 2010 122 lbs.


WOW. Powerful stuff. I saw this woman (who is a single-mother of a teen) gain control of her life, her health, ended up setting goals for herself (competing and running FULL marathons) and was truly inspired.
I always say, my clients truly inspire me and this is why.

If you’d like to read the rest of the article, you can find it here:

“AB”solutely Sweaty ab routine!

ABsolutely Sweaty Abs

Will this workout get rid of your pooch… nope.

Sorry, I gotta keep it real– clean up that diet, get rid of that shit..

BUT this routine is going to tighten and tone those abs, so they will lie flat and firm and you can stand tall and feel amazing!
Try this workout alone or just add the abs to the end of your lifting day, either way, you’re sure to feel it tomorrow!

Metabolism & Adrenal Fatigue Update

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If you are completely lost watch my first video– Metabolic Damage and Why I’m Pissed off and then check out the follow-up : Metabolic Damage Follow-Up and Resources.

These are a series of videos to serve as a tool to help others through the mess that I’ve been going through for over 20 months. I am as truthful and honest as I can be about the reality of metabolic damage and that there’s no “dieting your way out” Its a complex issue that can’t be fixed by changing ONE thing.

I will continue to blog about this issue as new progress is made and as long as I continue getting emails and questions from you guys:)

Splenda Interview with Expert Michelle LeSueur

Splenda Interview with Michelle LeSueur

If you have been following along with the August Challenge– we are 2 weeks in on NO SPLENDA, NO SUGARS, NO ARTIFICIAL SUGARS for all of August… wow!

We started with the challenge, because I saw a picture of Bo Shin who posted some incredible results by taking out Splenda. She did an interview last week and we asked her if the pics were photoshopped and if she changed her workout routine as well—-> you can see Bo’s Interview here

I can see the difference in Bo’s pictures, but I wanted to know:

“Why is splenda so bad?”

“What does it really do?” and

“What ARE the best options for sweeteners?”

I decided to call and ask a friend and expert on this: Michelle LeSueur: Energetic Practitioner and Nutritionist

Michelle works with many, many individuals with weight and gut issues, allergies, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases. I know she’s an avid reader and educates herself incessantly. She has a pretty incredible personal story and I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say!

Check it out– and all of the links to find more from Michelle are below:

Michelle’s Facebook Fan Page

Michelle’s “Healing Your Gut” Webinar

email: [email protected]


Does Sensa Work?

Does Sensa help me lose weight?

Have you heard about Sensa or these other “sprinkle” products?
You basically have a little “shaker” that you carry around, sprinkle it on your food and it makes you eat 30-40% LESS calories?!!

Wow… sounds too good to be true… yeah. Let’s dissect and discuss:

Splenda Challenge Interview with Bo Shin

Interview with Bo Shin

OK here it is! I promised I would ask Bo about these pictures that she posted of her 4 weeks without splenda–

– did she do any extra cardio or workouts?

– what did she use as a sugar/splenda substitute?

–did she photoshop the picture?

After talking with her, it gave me a new motivation to get through the first week and keep pushing past the cravings!

Later on this week, I will post an interview with an expert on WHY these “fake sugars” are so bad for you and what do they do?
you can find Bo on her FACEBOOK PAGE

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