You’ve heard the saying a dozen times: “abs are made in the kitchen,” but what does that really mean?
Everyone HAS abs, it’s just that some people’s abs are more visible than others. This is due in part to genetics, and also a layer of fat over the abdominals.
So, how can you lessen the layer of fat to see those abs? DIET. DIET. DIET.
A diet high in protein, rich in vegetables, whole-food based carbohydrates (no sugars and sodas!) and healthy fats, coupled with a great ab routine and a little bit of cardio can go a long way!
Should you even bother with ab exercises then? The answer is YES!
Strong abs make you stand taller, have better posture and help your stability.
Here’s a great summer ab routine that will take you only 10 minutes. Make sure to follow-up with a healthy protein shake or meal!
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