I don’t give a $h!t about Abercrombie!

It was brought to my attention that the CEO of Abercrombie, Mike Jeffries, made some comments about not making his clothes in size XL or XXL because he didn’t “he doesn’t want larger people shopping in his store. He wants thin and beautiful people. He doesn’t want his core customers to see people who aren’t as hot as them wearing his clothing. People who wear his clothing should feel like they’re one of the ‘cool kids.'”

and while I am ALL about self-acceptance, self-love and being happy at any size… I also STRONGLY believe in freedom of speech and having a niche market and being TRUE to yourself…
So.. my response to Mike Jeffries comments:


Here’s why:

(and if you agree please share with friends and SUBSCRIBE to my emails so you dont miss whats next!)


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  1. Right? Who cares if he wants to narrow his business, it’s his business! I don’t shop there anyways because the clothes are stinky and for stupid preppies (haha)

  2. Heavenly Mimi says:

    Ha! Love it and love you!! Totally agree.

  3. Alexandra Goedrich says:

    Exactly what I was thinking.

  4. Shawna Stavish says:

    You are totally right! And I have never (and will never) shopped there. And not because I can’t fit into their clothes either. I.D.G.A.F

    I friggin love you hahaha

  5. Totally agree with you Danny j :) who gives a flying f&@! What this guy thinks… It’s not like its couture it’s t shirts and jeans for god sake!

  6. I didn’t even realize people still shop there.

  7. Roxanne says:

    I have to agree, really all he did was vocalize what the fashion and beauty industry do to us everyday. We are manipulated through media to identify with what’s in fashion, size, muscularity. If you look back to the 50’s women were curvy,busty go to the 60’s you have Twiggy….then came Raquel Welch. 20 years or so ago to be a female body builder or have the physique of some of the athletes today was unheard of…you would have Beenconsidered a freak of sorts. I guess what I am leading to is that the image of what is cool, in, acceptable is eventually decided by the consumer. You make those choices daily… Where would you rather be seen shopping, Walmart or Saks? And why do you make that choice ? All of the companies you purchase from are targeting an audience based on the image that you want to project to other people…the insecurities that you struggle with, whiter teeth,fresher breath….who your trying to attract or who you want to be like…that’s why célèbraties sell everything from water to …..well anything even themselves….don’t shoot the messenger just don’t give the person your hard earned dollars….I personally do not buy endorsed products of reality tv people that have gotten famous for????????? So no I will not buy anything that has your no talent name on it….

  8. I could not agree with you more. Abercrombie is trying to stick to a brand image, the way many companies make trade-offs to do. No one thinks its terrible that Chanel doesn’t make it’s couture dresses in XXL, but its the same concept. I disagree with the things he said, having struggled with my weight for the majority of my life, but what I don’t disagree with is him trying to keep his brand attractive to the customers they have targeted.

    If people believe other companies don’t do similar things, you are unfortunately wrong. It is the definition of of good marketing, and being a marketer by training, I support the concept, just not his words.

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