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Metabolic Damage and Why I’m pissed off!

Tired Woman 3

Sorry guys, this is just Danny-J for the moment.
Sighhhhh I don’t even know where to begin here, but I guess I’ll start with a quick re-cap of my situation:

Prior to Sweaty Betties, Aubrie & I were in different facets of the fitness industry. Both of us competed and modeled and we did whatever it took to attain the “look” that we thought was marketable.
I was in the quest that many women find themselves in– the quest for the “PRO CARD”
When I started competing, at the end of 2006, I thought a Pro Card would just make me “more legit” as a trainer, as a professional. It would add to my resume and help me get more clients. As I started to learn, it was really more about who you know, to get you anywhere in the industry and I was luckily successful on my own right, without the competitions. However, in 2009 I decided to go ahead and compete again. I hired a new coach at the last minute, 6 weeks out from my show, so the diet was a little more drastic. I ended up looking the best I’d ever looked onstage and I also saw the new bikini division and wanted to give it a shot. So, thus began a diet that started in May and continued until the end of November. At the time, I thought the diet was extreme, and it was nothing that I would ever give my clients, yet, I thought, I’d try something new, it seemed to be working!

Fast Forward to 2 weeks after the competition– I had gone from being able to do Level 10 on the stairs, to trying Level 5 and having to stop and catch my breath to picking up 5lb. dumbbells and barely able to lift them AND gained 8lbs. over one weekend and steadily gaining. So I tried to crash diet, took all carbs away again, did 2 hours of cardio a day for 4 days and I GAINED 2 lbs. I didn’t understand. Why was I doing everything I did before and gaining???

Add on a year of this– trying to crash diet and another cycle of gaining. Fear of eating ANYTHING because I’d gain weight so easily. I’d cry and not want to train my clients, because I thought that they would see me getting fatter and no longer want to train. I’d get jealous of my clients who were successful and I wasn’t.

I finally started to realize this was bigger than just a thyroid issue and I was finding other women who were experiencing the same things!

Here are some quotes from the emails of just a FEW women going through this, unfortunately, the phone conversations I’ve had and the stories I’ve heard are painful and sad.

“In almost two years, I think I could count the number of times I had a cheat meal on both hands.  I was “allowed” to eat on my wedding day, but only a meal…I’m crying as I write this, because I know a lot of other women suffer from the damage”

 ”I am so sick of not wearing shorts or going to a pool … lol. This certainly is a much bigger struggle than any comp prep that is for damn sure.”

“Such a big part of me, while I loved the transformation and good times of competing, wish I never did bc of what it has done to my head.”

“I too, have been to so many docs with lots of $ spent, and no progress.”

“I truly think unless you have gone through it, you have NO IDEA what it feels like”

“ I have avoided several of my friends (not even competitors) and many social get togethers, along w vacations bc I am so disgusted w what I look like. Then I get pissed for putting so much of my self worth into my body… It is all such a mind fuck. There are many days I think this may be what Im stuck w but then I keep thinking if we keep fighting we can beat it and be better for it”

“I just all of a sudden have been experiencing so many symptoms and am miserable. I have also gained 17lbs out of no where, extremely fatigued, legs and ankles swell, shortness of breath and extremely weak. “

“I am doing Paleo at this time afraid of eating anything so I won’t gain more weight! But even with exercise I can’t loose any! Ugh!!!!”


It is my mission to FIND a solution. I am currently reading, reading, reading, and working with some professionals on a protocol. I hope that this blog/video will help someone become aware of what is going on, help someone feel like they aren’t crazy, or stop someone  from even going down this path.


Product Reviews and GIVEAWAY!!

Video Review of some fun, new Fitness & Nutrition Products-- GIVEAWAY!


Video Review of some fun, new Fitness & Nutrition Products-- GIVEAWAY!

In January we went to a really large show called the OR (Outdoor Retailer) Market. They have it twice a year and its only open to retailers, brands and store owners. We were lucky enough to get “backstage passes” and were able to meet some of the people behind some of our brands like MPG Sport & Skirt Sports and then we made contacts and met a TON more!
A few of them we really loved were ProBar and iFitness (running bands) and we also were send a fewGlam Head Bands to review.. So check it out and see how you can win your own Glam Head Band or Box of ProBars!

No Purchase Necessary.


and leave a comment under this post as your entry. Winners will be selected and emailed on FRIDAY April 13th at 1pm PST

We want you to be part of a new opportunity with us!

Screen shot 2012-03-30 at 11.50.43 PM

hey guys, we are sooo excited to share with you a new opportunity to help you lose weight, feel great, and even earn money while doing it!



Danny’s wearing Bex Life tank top

GlamBands headband



How can I get rid of loose skin on my belly?

this picture is more likely a candidate for a tummy tuck ** always consult a board certified plastic surgeon and get more than one opinion**

We get emails with training and diet questions all the time. We also get this question (or version of it a lot)

<<<Q: I used to be a size 18 and now am a size 2. I eat clean, weight train and do cardio, but I still have this loose skin. How can I tighten  my belly?? (or I have loose skin after pregnancy)>>>

these stretch marks will not go away, but her skin most likely will still tighten more


There are many factors– age, amount  of weight lost, how long you were overweight, and mostly genetics.
Some people gain and lose a ton of weight and have hardly any issues while others are covered in stretch marks and are trying to fix that sagging skin. You can cry about it or just learn what you can do and accept what you can’t.

There are tips for preventing stretch marks; like cocoa butter and moisturizing, but honestly, if you’re bodies genetics are likely to get stretchmarks, no amount of cocoa butter is going to stop that. At this point, the damage is done. So….what is OUR answer for what you can do?

Assuming you already eat clean, lift-weights and “do what you’re supposed to”…. you may not like the answer. Preparation-H does not work. Saran Wrap does not work. Crunches, reverse crunches, planks or any abdominal exercise you can think of will not work. There are a few lasers (usually very painful, expensive, and not largely effective) that are available.

this picture is more likely a candidate for a tummy tuck ** always consult a board certified plastic surgeon and get more than one opinion**


The only true thing that can actually get RID of loose skin is a tummy tuck. They actually CUT. IT. OFF. Even this only works if you have a significant amount of skin…. annnnnnnnd $8-$10k and about 3 months to recover.

Sooooo WE SAY–  the BEST thing you can do is: love yourself, don’t stress over it (its probably worse in your head) and think of it as a symbol of your hard work or your souvenir of your beautiful child.
We don’t all look/stay young forever. Just be strong, be healthy, be beautiful.
and sorry we wish we had some better tips… but we are here to tell you the truth, not what you want to hear. Please Leave us your comments!

you are MORE than some silly scars :)

Also, as Freakin’ Awesome Fitfluential Ambassadors we are trying earn a scholarship to get to The Fitness and Health Bloggers Conference in Denver… its actually sponsored by Refuel With Chocolate Milk.. which, we all know….. chocolate is awesome! The conference is at the end of June and it would be the first conference of this type we have ever attended. We have been in the fitness industry for years and are new to the “Blogging” fitness industry. We’d love to have a chance to go, so here’s our shot!!


The Sweaty Betties 5 Day Cleanse

The Sweaty Betties Cleanse Salad

Hey all you Sweaty Betties!!
We are finished with our cleanse and it is published!! Yay!!

We know that cleanses and detoxes might not be for everyone. We actually admit we even had a hard time with it!

We’d love to have some of you try it out and give us your feedback. We worked very hard on putting it together and we wanted it to have some value, so we are asking for $2.99 for you to have access to it….

Just go to our STORE and purchase– it will be emailed to you

***PS if you pay and didn’t get to the download page, email us your confirmation and we will email it to you. We can also do this if you’re ordering from a phone or ipad***


March Challenge "Eat Your Veggies"

OK OK so we don’t always have a fitness challenge. In December we did the “No Flour” Challenge and for March– its the “Eat your Veggies” challenge.
But not just any veggies…. RAW VEGGIES.
Your challenge is to eat at least 1 serving (at least a heaping cup) of Raw Veggies per day…
some ideas are:
-chopped peppers
-snap peas

or check out our CLEANSE and do our Sweaty Betty Cleanse Salad!

Not only do raw veggies provide extra fiber in your diet, but compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.

**note– you may want to take a digestive enzyme to help with bloating and gas. Also stay away from raw broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage, as in their raw state are known to suppress thyroid.


PS If you want another Physical Challenge– we encourage you to look back at some of ours in the past and catch up or try again to see if you can do better–

Burpee Challenge

Mile-a-Day Challenge

Push-Up Challenge

Kettlebell Challenge



Almond Coconut Oatmeal Bake (breakfast or dessert)

image from

Oatmeal Bake (breakfast or dessert)

(revised recipe from Anna Slotnick)

Sometimes the old egg whites and oatmeal breakfast gets a little boring. Maybe you just don’t have time! This Oatmeal Bake you can make the night before and just grab a bar in the morning!

(or we sometimes like to have a bar after dinner for a little something sweet, but not too naughty!)

There are 3 combos we made:

Almond Coconut

Banana Walnut

Apple Pecan

They are all freakin’ awesome and you can create your own combos too!



2 c. old fashioned oats (not quick oats)

4 scoops vanilla whey (we used Dymatize Elite XT)

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

lots of brisk shaking of cinnamon (2 itsp??)

4 egg whites (or 1/2 c liquid egg whites)

1.5 c cold water (or almond milk if you want)

3/4 c. Pumpkin (or you can use no sugar added applesauce)

Sweetener as desired—4-6 packets of splenda or truvia, 3-4 dropperfuls of lohan (or none)

 Then…. this is where the fun starts
Coconut & Almond (1/2 c. coconut, 1/4c. almonds chopped)
Apples & Pecans (1 whole apple chopped, 1/4 c. pecans chopped)
Bananas & Walnuts (1 whole banana sliced, 1/4 c. walnuts chopped)



1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

2. Mix together wet ingredients – except fruit, nuts, or coconut

3. Mix together dry ingredients in separate bowl.

4. Spray pan with non-stick baking spray or grease with coconut oil (we used a cake pan– 8×13)

5. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients – make sure it is distributed evenly. Then add nuts, half of the coconut or fruit. **if doing a banana, line the pan with banana slices

6. Pour mixture into pan and top with extra shredded coconut or extra apple slices

7. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes (make sure a knife/toothpick comes out clean in the center)


They taste amazing when still warm from the oven, but still are delicious when room temp or reheated;)


Cut into 1/4ths. (This makes 4 servings.)

Each serving has:

1/2 c. oats

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 egg white

little bit of: pumpkin, sweetener, spices, etc.


29 g carbs (less than 3g of sugar– from fruit and little bit of pumpkin), 33 g protein, 0.5-2g  g fat (depending on if using nuts or not)

image from



Mariah Carey Us Weekly Rant

In this video we go over why you shouldn’t believe everything you see in the silly tabloids for weight-loss.

Creamy Mushroom (Low-Carb) Soup

This is an easy soup and is low-carb, can be non-dairy, paleo & even vegan (if you use vegetable broth)
Its perfect for those cold winter days all by itself or as an appetizer

-16-20 oz of mushrooms (1 -2 containers)
-2-3 cups low-sodium chicken broth (or vegetable
- 1 whole white or yellow onion
- 1-2 tbsp. tarragon
- 1-2 tbsp. olive oil
- 1/4 c. non-fat greek yogurt (optional)

First–CHOP up the onion into itsy bits and chop the mushrooms into itsy bits.

Saute the onion in approx 1 tbsp. olive oil for 5 mins.
add mushrooms and a little more oil and saute for another 5-10 mins.


Take the onion and mushroom mixture and dump it into a blender. Add 2 cups of your broth and blend.
Check the consistency, you may need to add another cup of broth to make it less thick.

(if you like a creamier soup, this is where you can add the greek yogurt)

Pour into saucepan, add garlic salt and tarragon to taste.
Simmer soup for 5-10 mins.

Serve hot!!