Home » December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge!

December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge!

Alrighty Betties and Buddies (?) are you ready for the December Challenge?!
We understand that a lot of people started the Burpee Challenge later and are still working on their 50 Burpees a Day for 50 Days. WE are also going to be traveling a LOT this month, so we wanted to make this a little “easier” but it will only be easier for about 2 weeks… LOL

This is the Push-Up Challenge:

You will do 1 push-up on Dec. 1st..
2 Push-ups on Dec. 2nd..
and so on, until you do 31 consecutive push-ups by the end of the month.


The goal is to be able to do ALL of them in a row, but just do what you can and get the reps in! If you are still doing burpees, it won’t be so bad at least til about day 15+ but we know our Betties are BadAss and you can handle it!!

On this challenge feel free to post some “Push-Up Christmas Videos”!! We want to see you doing those push-ups in your presents and wrapping paper, or under your trees!! Lets see em’ and post to our FB Page as “SweatyBetties Push-Up Challenge!”

**PS If you are a guy(or gal) who really wants to be cool, you can double the push-ups (2 a day– by the end you’ll do 62)**


Let's DO this!!

29 Responses to “December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge!”

  1. Diana says:

    totally in! I at least know I can do days 1-5! ;)

  2. » December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge! « The Road to Serious Fitness says:

    [...] via » December Sweaty Betties Push-Up Challenge!. [...]

  3. Faith Keith says:

    Y’all are infectious! Love this!!! I’m all in.

  4. Janine @ThePurpleGiraffe says:

    I’m in! :) This sounds great!

  5. Mary says:

    I’m in! Can i do half a push up now and the other half later?

  6. Haley @ Climb Run Lift Mom says:

    Awesome :) Love me some push ups! I was thinking about being bad ass and doubling them up, but I already got myself into a kettlebell challenge so I don’t want to die, lol. We will see…

  7. Melanie Nicholas says:

    Im in, ok just did my first one, cant wait till tomorrow

  8. Rachel says:

    I’m so in! This will help to get back in shape and to keep moving during the month of December!

  9. arbed lhad says:

    i can do it! i can do it!

    dunno how LONG i can do it for but it’ll be a surprise to everyone… including me! LOL!

  10. Anna Kincade says:

    I missed the burpee challenge but I’m in on this one. This gal may have to drop to the knees but I’ll get them done!

  11. Cori says:

    Count me in! I actually did 14 today as a part of todays workout!

  12. Rebekah Storey says:

    I did my one today :D

  13. Brittany Fae says:

    Well shoot, I already know I can do 50 in a row. Guess I’ll be doubling on this one. Good luck to everyone else!

  14. Shallan says:

    Starting right now :)

  15. Patricia Schmeykal says:

    saw you on bodyrock in facebook. would like joining too.

    i’m from germany and try to gain more strength and fitness and daily motion.

  16. Randijane says:

    I’m game ladies. Lets do the damn thing

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