11 Random Facts about The Sweaty Betties


We are getting super excited about all the upcoming events— going to see Blogilates next month, Rockwell Mud Run, The Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference in Denver, Bodybuilding.com Fitness Expo (BFE), and OUR FIRST WORKSHOP!!! aghhhh! (we just filled out our calendars and we’re literally booked for the next few months!)

We had a rough start to 2012– both in our personal lives, but we made some changes, even had a little stir in our friendship… and now we are stronger and have had so many blessings come into our lives since we changed our attitudes and opened our hearts. We are so grateful for all of your love and support and wouldn’t be here without all of you. So… thank you. Your emails and comments bless us everyday.

So we were actually tagged in this post from Cassey of Blogilates back in FEBRUARY (Sorry Cassey) but we had so much other crap going on, we never got around to it! We thought now was a good time to share!

Soooo… here we go… this might be stuff you wished you didn’t know!! LOL


1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

Our Random Facts:

1. (Danny) I hadn’t had ground beef since I was 13 years old until last month! I decided I should try again, so I made chili. Its the ONLY way I’ll eat it, since its disguised in the sauce!

2.(Aubrie) Ever since I was little I’ve quite enjoyed bumpy things on my fingers. I’m 23 and I have this purse in my car that I often rub.

3. (Danny) I secretly want to be a rock/pop star, like Miley, Pink, Taylor Swift or Brittney, but I can’t dance or sing and I’m actually super embarrassed to do either…. maybe in my next life

4. (Aubrie) I can go through a pack of gum a day. Cigarette smokers don’t have shit on me

5. (Danny) when I was little I used to want to buy a big house and save every single puppy from the pound. Now I realize that’s just gross and a little creepy. My two dogs are enough to clean up after!

6. (Aubrie) I want to be famous, but I don’t know if I could handle people knowing me everywhere.

7. (Danny) It took a boyfriend in my 20′s to get me to wear make-up, shave and buy a thong.

8. (Aubrie) Not many of my pants have pockets

9. (Danny) I used to be obsessed with Kurt Cobain & was an extremely unhappy, negative person. When I read my old journals now, it makes me sad, and I want to help young women know>>> It gets Better!!

10. (Aubrie) I have never dyed my hair in my life until this year!

11. (both of us) we both are virtually the same person, personality wise– yet opposite in other things– Aubrie likes to get up early & is obsessively clean she cleans her ENGINE, Danny likes to stay up late and washes her car once a year– only if its a drive though car wash;)



Our Answers to Cassey’s Questions:

1. If you were a fruit or vegetable, which one would you be and why?

Danny: I’d be a Mamey Fruit, because they are exotic and hard to find, which I am neither exotic nor hard to find

Aubrie: I’d be asparagus so I could make your pee stink

2. What’s your fave song to sing when you go Karaoke-ing?

Danny: “I’m just a girl” by Gwen Stefani– because you can make your voice sound silly and I love that song. Aubrie has yet to Karaoke— we’re going this year!

3. If you got $1 million tomorrow what would you do?

We’d probably just do more Sweaty Betties videos, buy our own damn gym that’s not so crowded and take a little trip to somewhere warm, give our families some cashola and become more generous tippers… oh and get some good cars;)

4. What’s your favorite feature on a guy/girl/whatever sex you’re attracted to?

Danny: hmmm sense of humor always gets me first, but I love a little rugged facial hair (but no crotch beards)

Aubrie: A great sense of humor & they have to be physically fit, which shows they take care of themselves

5. What is your ultimate “bad food” or “cheat food”?

Danny: Whatever I’m craving at the moment. It changes from month to month. Lately– been obsessed with Chips & Salsa from Chili’s and a margarita!

Aubrie: Cheesecake!

6. Have you had your heart broken or are you a heart breaker?

We are definitely both heart breakers, unfortunately, we’ve had this conversation too often!

7. What superpower do you want to possess?

Danny: I would love to fly! I was an acrobat and flying/flipping is the best feeling in the world!

Aubrie: I would love to fly– then I could leave whenever I wanted!

8. What’s you fave meal of the day?

Danny: BREAKFAST!! Most carbs and I’m always starving at breakfast! (I used to be a non-breakfast eater, so its weird to “hear myself” say that!)

Aubrie: Breakfast– because I love eggs~

9. If you could pick your own name, what would it be?

Danny: I always wanted to be Samantha when I was younger so people would call me “Sam” like on”Who’s the Boss?” now, I think Danny-J is fine.

Aubrie: I like Aubrie– I’ll just stick with that

10. Which ice cream best describes your personality?

Danny: Pistachio– its green and a little nutty

Aubrie: Chunky Monkey– because if I didn’t work out, I’d be fat

11. On the plane, when the flight attendant asks you what drink you’d like, what do you pick?

Danny: Coffee, black with one splenda OR Tomato juice and water

Aubrie: Spicy tomato, and a coffee and water

Friends I’m taggining:

we’re gonna break the rules here and not tag anyone, but we just want to hear from YOU! If you’d like to play along, post your answers to my questions in the comments below. Would love to learn more about you too :)

Our Questions:

1. Cinnamon Bears, Gummi Bears, or Sour Patch Kids?

2. Favorite Comedy movie?

3. Top 3 Dream Travel Destinations

4. If I wasn’t a ______ I’d be a _________

5. If I had to giveaway 3 things I owned, they would be:

6. One thing I will never be “cheap” on is:

7. What’s cuter: puppies, babies or kittens?

8. What’s the best frozen yogurt topping?

9. Your Starbucks order—> GO!

10. I never leave the house without:

11. If I could have dinner with one person alive today, it would be: