Winter Veggie Yum!

Serves 4
2 zuchinni
1 sweet potato ( red)
1 tbsp fresh ginger
1 leek washed and cut in chunks
1 cup raw fava beans
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp coconut oil
Half tsp paprika
1 tbsp sea salt
Half tsp nutmeg
1 cup raw arugula cut in strips
1 cup raw n toasted cashew nuts
In a hot pot pour 5 cups water with all ingredients except arugula and cashews. Boil for 45 min. Let cool a for a few minutes and pour entire pot into the blender, blend on high for 3 min. Serve with arugula, cashews and cracked pepper. Yumm!

My 3-Day Juice Cleanse

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

I was one of those people, whom if you mentioned a juice cleanse or fast, I would say:

“WHY do you need that? Your liver should detox everything… just make healthy choices! Duh!!”

Then…. I saw the movie “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”

I became a little more open-minded, yet still, strongly skeptical.

In the movie, a man goes on a complete juice fast for something like 90 days! It’s a little extreme, but he explains that he is getting enough calories and the juice is taking the concentrated nutrients from the fruits and vegetables.
I was intrigued enough to want to try it, or at least add a green juice to my daily routine.

However, I looked into juicers and got overwhelmed and then dropped that idea.


So… in comes Skinny Limits!!

Two of my dear friends, Rebekah Borucki (Bexlife) and Sarah Dussault (Sarahfit), both did a Skinny Limits juice cleanse and review, and since I highly value their opinions and friendship… I totally asked them on the side,

“sooooo… tell me the truth… what did you really think?”

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They both came back with REAL rave reviews.

Ok, Ok.. let’s do this!

I got ahold of the company and decided that the BEST time for me to try the cleanse was after I returned from Chicago, it would be my last weekend of travel after 3 months on the road. A really good time to detox!!

I chose the TROPICAL 3-Day Cleanse, because I saw that pineapple juice was in it… and… well…. pineapple juice.

So, since it arrived pretty early in the morning, I decided to start right then!

I busted open my first juice… and….down the hatch!!

Mmmm!! Not bad! It was green, but it didn’t “taste green” if you know what I mean?

I stacked all the drinks in number order in my fridge and I was really excited to do this!

I did get a little hungry, but there were 6 juices a day, so I never really felt deprived.

The morning of Day 2, I felt a little achy. I did read that there might be detox-like symptoms; headache, fatigue, etc.

It was to be expected. The hunger wasn’t too big of an issue and I really did enjoy each of the drinks. In fact, I was really looking forward to trying each one, so I kept looking at my clock to see if it was time yet!

Unfortunately, on Day 2…. I got into a car accident on the way home from a hair appointment.
ugh!!! Needless to say, I cried and went to bed skipping the last two juices.

(Note: everyone was ok. My car, the other guys car, ego and bank account were the most hurt)


Day 3 I woke up a little hungrier (from skipping a few hundred calories) and had to make some calls to insurance.

I ended up going to get my car looked at and had to drop it off for repairs, pick up a rental, etc.
That ended up taking over 6 hours… and, did I bring my juice?

I ended up eating a meal out because I knew I wasn’t going to be home anytime soon.

I felt like I failed, for not doing the cleanse “right”

The good news was… I had some drinks left over for Day 4!!

I realized how much I was really looking forward to my daily juices and I was definitely starting to feel better!

I definitely WILL do this cleanse again and I can see the benefit of having 1-2 juices a day just to add to your daily routine.
I love the convenience of having the juices made and shipped to you (it would be a TON of work, to try this by juicing your own!!)

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day

this was like dessert! The last juice of the day


I loved this cleanse. I do NOT recommend getting into a car accident while you’re attempting to cleanse. (I also don’t recommend it at any time.. it’s really a bummer)
I will most likely do a FULL 3-Day cleanse once a quarter and also try and get some of these juices going in my daily or at least monthly routine. I think I’m addicted!


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*All reviews posted on my blog feature my own views and opinions. There are instances when I have reviewed or featured a product and I have received compensation in the form of product for my personal use or for use in a giveaway, discounts toward purchase for my followers, monetary compensation, or any combination of those three things. I never accept payment for favorable reviews.


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